Links for this week (weekly)

  • tags: communities engagement members socialnetworks enterprise2.0 adoption methodology

  • “Overview: Launching and getting up and running is only half the battle when it comes to CoPs. CoP pundits are constantly advocating new social technologies, new processes, and new metrics. But for a CoP (and its members) to thrive requires embracing a few simple organizational change ideas, and making them concrete, authentic, and fun. The “Sustainable Communities Critical Success Factors” do just that. A sustainable Community of Practice (CoP) demonstrates measurable value to both the organization and CoP participants contributing relevant knowledge, and nourishing lasting and productive relationships. Any CoP, by definition, convenes to cross organizational boundaries, to build a shared body of knowledge, and to network. But a sustainable CoP comes together with a shared sense of passion and applies that to practical outputs. While most COPs fade, sustainable CoPs endure:

    * Members express a spirit of volunteerism that beyond their personal objectives and “WIIFM”;
    * CoP “working groups” generate relevant products that integrate diverse insights; and
    * CoP outcomes show up in corporate metrics, and, ultimately CoP ideas influence corporate planning. “

    tags: community communities communitiesofpractices leadership facilitation role metrics onboarding measurement recognition

    • 1. Regular Real-time Meeting
    • 2. Role/Charter-Clarity:
    • 3. Leadership and Facilitation:
    • 4. Practitioner-Led:
    • 5. Establish Rapport Explicitly:
    • 6. Ground Rules:
    • 7. New Member On-boarding:
    • 8. Measure and Continuously Improve:
    • 9. Use Technology Effectively:
    • 10. Get Recognition/Give Recognition:
  • “C’est le groupe des enfants du cours préparatoire qui, expérimentation après expérimentation, dépasse avec constance les trois autres groupes d’adultes bardés de diplômes de l’enseignement supérieur.”

    tags: problemsolving marshmallowchallenge orientation planning execution observation learning learningbydoing

    • C’est parce que les adultes ont été “formatés” pour conceptualiser la résolution de problème. A force d’insister sur le fait de réfléchir avant d’agir, ils ont intériorisé l’idée de trouver la solution d’un point de vue théorique avant de mettre les mains dans le cambouis. Pour eux, la séquence type de résolution du problème, c’est OPEO, soit, ORIENTATION -> PLANIFICATION -> EXECUTION -> OBSERVATION.
    • Les enfants, en revanche, suivent une approche plus intuitive et résolument empirique. Après une courte phase d’ORIENTATION, ils vont très vite mettre la main à la pâte pour tester les interconnections entre les spaghettis, le scotch et le marshmallow à poser au sommet de la structure. Pendant que leurs concurrents d’âge mûr feront une boucle complète OPEO,
    • . Leur aptitude à réaliser des boucles extrêmement rapides d’action / rétro-action leur offrira le moyen de parfaire leur apprentissage chemin faisant. C’est le fameux “learning by doing” des Américains.
  • “How are you addressing the risk of employees posting something “stupid” on a community like promising a customer something they cannot deliver or something along those lines?

    I need examples asap for a preso to the exec team by the end of the week. Would love to hear from you.”

    tags: communities communitymanagement risk mitigation governance policies community

    • Prevention begins with good policies. Make sure you have the right social media policies in place to begin with.
    • Make sure you have a good community management governance structure.  You do need to have a governance model
    • Make sure your community managers and the SME’s understand their role in the governance model and are trained well for what’s expected of them. Your brand depends upon it.
    • Make sure you have an escalation path to deal with an issue when it arises.
  • “The “Measuring the Value of Social Software” white paper focuses on helping organizations answer the question:

    How can we determine if our social software initiatives are successful and are providing the anticipated return on technology investment?

    This white paper looks at how to measure the effectiveness and value of a social software initiative, what tools are available to capture key metrics, and what to take into consideration when establishing a measurement approach. “

    tags: ibm socialnetworks measurement activity ROI framework vitality capability value businessvalue KPI KVI

  • “That’s a lot like the use of enterprise 2.0 social software systems today. Older generations have an ingrained urge to avoid collaborating, having spent their lives being trained to hoard and control information. Their thick, almost-impermeable skin takes effort, time, encouragement and environmental change to break through. It isn’t by chance that the need for greater collaboration is a regular theme in management meetings everywhere.

    On the other hand, social software comes naturally to the millennial generation, born between the late 1970s and 2000 and raised in the Internet age. In a few years, according to Jeanne Meister and Karie Willyerd, the authors of The 2020 Workplace, millennials will be about half of the world’s working age adults”

    tags: collaboration generationdivide millenials generationy generationx babyboomers mentoring

    • Millennials work with large networks. They swap contexts frequently and rapidly during a typical day and use multiple modes of communication. They feel free to ask their managers and peers for candid opinions so they can improve their work. They seek social proof, some visible indication, that others are buying into an idea or activity. They see everyone in their organization as equal partners to collaborate with.
    • When you’re new to an organization, your relationship networks are usually limited and have little built-in trust. Millennials who converse freely with their friends socially are often told at work to stay strictly work-focused. This can limit the depth of their conversations and keep them from developing trust and extensive networks.
  • “Communication is the process by which this constantly evolving knowledge is applied on data and information to a decisionable end. This process will generate insights on how to take advantage of the information you have gathered”

    tags: communication work decisionmaking knowledge tacitknowledge

  • “Knowledge work is often a completely different story. While the information used us input to an activity or process is likely to be found in the left part of the Long Tail power graph, the information needed for a knowledge work activity is likely to be found in the long tail. There you have information resources which are used infrequently or maybe even once. The information which is needed varies from time to time, from situation to situation. Not only the actual information varies; often the type and structure of the information resource varies too. This makes it virtually impossible to define a reusable information resource in advance before it is needed.”

    tags: intranet knowledgeworkers knowledgework longtail socialintranet

    • The social intranet is not just about adding a layer of social collaboration tools; it is a platform that combines the powers of push with the powers of pull to supply anyone who participates and contributes within an extended enterprise with the information, knowledge and connections they need to make the right decisions and act to fulfill their objectives.
    • the previously dominating “less is more” paradigm is being replaced by a “more is more” paradigm. A social intranet must necessarily be designed for information abundance.
    • because as Clay Shirky argues the problem is not the amount of information but rather that the filters we have fail to sort it properly for us. We need to get the filters in place instead of blaming and demonizing (“Tsunami of data”, “firehose of information” etc) information supply and arguing that the only way to solve this “problem” is to limit supply.
    • We must have ways that “automagically” attract useful information and connections to us.
    • Needless to say, the push-based production model used for most intranets will still have an important role to play – but only as a component within a social intranet. It will continue to serve the most common, stable and predictable information needs.
    • This is because the long tail of information supports the core of a knowledge-intensive modern business: the knowledge work.
  • “This got me thinking why can business processes and Enterprise 2.0 software be designed to make them “fun” and engaging?

    There are lots of research that talks about how mixing work and play is the key to innovation. “

    tags: hr games foursquare engagement rewards recognition play

    • Amy talks about how five principles of game mechanics (collecting, points, feedback, exchanges and customization) can be combined with three trends of social media (accessibility, recombination, syndication) to design fun yet functional software applications.
  • “today we’re going to continue with change management by focusing on the cultural and organizational shifts that took place (and are still taking place) within Intuit to make Enterprise 2.0 successful.”

    tags: enterprise2.0 casestudies INTUIT culture organization change changemanagement innovation

    • Every quarter that CEO goes onto Intuit tv (an internal video platform) and answers questions live from employees instead of emailing them.  This allows the employees to actually participate in real time.  Employees now have the ability to comment on anything that’s going on within Intuit, including things that the CEO says
    • As a result, there is now someone in every business unit that is being tasked with innovation; an innovation leader.  This innovation leader participates in a company wide community sharing insights and accelerating the migration of best practices but they don’t actually own the innovation within the business units. 
    • Business leaders adopted and changed the way they were operating.  They were now taking a portfolio approach of small teams moving quickly as opposed to focusing on a centralized project with a larger team. 

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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