No Context? No Collaboration. Goodbye, Google Wav <span class="“> – Annotated
“e innovation zealot in me felt instant disappointment today upon reading that Google Wave is no longer. The official word from Google:
But despite these wins, and numerous loyal fans, Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects.”
- Think up/get notified of a process problem or event
- Remember that a bunch of tools and metaphors (email, phone, he conf room, software) exists that can help decision facilitation/brainstorming
- Group/find the right people to collaborate
- Pick a collaboration metaphor that works for everyone
- Solve the problem
- Go back to the system of record or powers that be, to deliver the outcomes.
But there’s a more important issue at play here. My sense is that the primary culprit here is lack of context. No matter how sexy, the use case for silo’ed,
dumb“un-smart†collaboration still generally goes like this: -
Organizations still need to understand how to design work processes that blend optimal process and collaboration but its hell of a lot easier when the software plays nice.
Une étude Regus sur les réseaux sociaux <span class="“> – Annotated
Les études abondent sur les réseaux sociaux, leur utilisation pour favoriser le “buzz”, la marque, l’esprit d’équipe, y compris dans le voyage d’affaires. Mais les entreprises, en fait, restent sceptiques si l’on en croit l’étude publiée par Regus. Même si, à l’échelle mondiale, deux entreprises sur cinq affirment gagner de nouveaux clients grâce aux réseaux sociaux. “-
Seulement 32% des personnes françaises interrogées (par rapport à la moyenne mondiale de 44%) déclarent avoir été impressionnées par les contenus audio/vidéo présents sur le profil d’une entreprise. En outre, la France abrite la plus grande proportion de sceptiques vis-à -vis des réseaux sociaux (47% contre 34% au niveau mondial). Les français sont également moins nombreux que la moyenne internationale (61% contre 66%) à utiliser les réseaux sociaux à des fins personnelles.
Bien qu’un noyau dur de sceptiques, notamment en France, continue de penser que ce canal n’est pas destiné à devenir un outil majeur de développement de la clientèle des entreprises, de nombreuses sociétés dans le monde y consacrent de véritables budgets pour partir à la conquête de prospects et entretenir les relations avec leurs clients.
L’étude indique ainsi que les entreprises n’ayant pas encore mis en place de stratégie sur les réseaux sociaux sont susceptibles de passer à côté d’opportunités de développement importantes. C’est en particulier le cas aux Pays-Bas (48%), en Inde (52%), au Mexique (50%) et en Espagne (50%) où les plus fort taux d’acquisition de nouveaux clients via les réseaux sociaux ont été constatés ».
Gartner Says the World of Work Will Witness 10 Changes During the Next 10 Years <span class="“> – Annotated
“Work will become less routine, characterized by increased volatility, hyperconnectedness, ‘swarming’ and more,†said Tom Austin, vice president and Gartner fellow. By 2015, 40 percent or more of an organization’s work will be ‘non-routine’, up from 25 percent in 2010. “People will swarm more often and work solo less. They’ll work with others with whom they have few links, and teams will include people outside the control of the organization,†he added. “In addition, simulation, visualisation and unification technologies, working across yottabytes of data per second, will demand an emphasis on new perceptual skills.—
1. De-routinization of Work
The core value that people add is not in the processes that can be automated, but in non-routine processes, uniquely human, analytical or interactive contributions that result in words such as discovery, innovation, teaming, leading, selling and learning. Non-routine skills are those we cannot automate
2. Work Swarms
Swarming is a work style characterized by a flurry of collective activity by anyone and everyone conceivably available and able to add value
4. Working With the Collective
There are informal groups of people, outside the direct control of the organization, who can impact the success or failure of the organization
7. Simulation and Experimentation
Active engagement with simulated environments (virtual environments), which are similar to technologies depicted in the film Minority Report, will come to replace drilling into cells in spreadsheets.
Hyperconnectedness will lead to a push for more work to occur in both formal and informal relationships across enterprise boundaries, and that has implications for how people work and how IT supports or augments that work.
10. My Place
The workplace is becoming more and more virtual, with meetings occurring across time zones and organizations and with participants who barely know each other, working on swarms attacking rapidly emerging problems. But the employee will still have a “place” where they work. Many will have neither a company-provided physical office nor a desk, and their work will increasingly happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In this work environment, the lines between personal, professional, social and family matters, along with organization subjects, will disappear
Six Social Business Trends To Watch <span class="“> – Annotated
“Here are the major trends that all organizations seeking to become 21st century digital natives should watch closely this year:”
The lesson here is that the network will always greatly outnumber you, so you must enlist it to participate in objectives everyone jointly values. The good news: Organizations are starting to listen this year.
The fact is, however, today’s business processes are mostly still closed, private activities between obscurely identified groups of people that happen largely inside little known silos of organizations. Not only are the processes themselves typically isolated and often disconnected from ground truth and many of their key stakeholders, but as the open source world discovered a decade ago, there are just too few eyes to ensure they are doing what needs to be done and in the best way possible. While the success stories of open innovation and other open business models have started to pave the way, only now are we seeing organizations realize the value of community-based processes conducted in the open and with network effects by default (everyone’s contribution creates observable value, large or small)
Mining the collective intelligence of the social Web or an enterprise network is a tall order but there have long been concerted efforts to do so, with a growing number providing meaningful, actionable approaches. Whether it’s finding new ideas, identifying important trends, measuring sentiment, supporting customers, or whatever it is that needs to be done, keeping track of the galactic conversation still isn’t easy. However, the good news this year is that the tools and techniques of social analytics that deliver results are emerging,
Listening to the social universe, both outside as well as within the enterprise, and then developing a desired response can be readily achieved by most organizations today.
In other words, letting go of non-essential control will be a key success factor for Social Business leaders going forward.
How to Manage What You Can’t Measure
“Even if you can’t measure exactly what you want, you can learn about the area with related data. You are not able to measure the exact benefit of a happy customer but you can get measures that give you evidence of the value and even magnitude. And you can get measures of the costs of dis-satisfied customers. I just mention this to be clear getting data is very useful and most organizations need to focus on gathering sensible data and using it well.”
Everything Starts With the Social Customer Insights <span class="“> – Annotated
“Wang touched on a lot of great points about Social CRM throughout his presentation, with a few key presentation aids that are worth everyone’s time, including The 18 Use Cases of Social CRM and The Five M’s of Social Customer Insights, but below are a few key takeaways:”
Customers no longer care about what department you’re in, they simply want their problem fixed.
Support is the new PR: According to the American Express Global Customer Service Barometer released July 7, 61% of 1,000 American consumers surveyed think good customer service is more important
The not-so-hidden cost of lost knowledge <span class="“> – Annotated
“Leaders often won’t invest resources to reduce the impacts of lost knowledge because they don’t understand the true costs of failing to act. Making the costs of lost knowledge visible is the best way to create a sense of urgency that will lead to executive action. “
The fact of the matter is that the rate at which baby-boomer retirements are going to pick up is going to put a severe strain on the depth of expertise that companies have to draw upon
e knowledge lost from veteran employees, combined with the inexperience of their replacements, threw the firm’s 737 and 747 assembly lines into chaos. Overtime skyrocketed and workers were chasing planes along the line to finish assembly. Management finally had to shut down production for more than three weeks to straighten out the assembly process, which forced Boeing to take a $1.6billion charge against earnings and contributed to an eventual management shake-up.
Astonishingly, the blueprints for the Saturn rocket have been lost and much of the knowledge of the 400,000 engineers that made the first moon landing possible lies in documents that are devoid of meaning without the contextual and personal knowledge of those who generated them.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.