Links for this week (weekly)

  • “IBM’s 407,000 or so employees are all on track to become communicators.

    How, and why? The company’s intranet, w3, has undergone an evolution over the past decade as more tools encouraging employees to generate their own content—blogs, an internal wiki, social bookmarking tools, file-sharing—have led to a deluge of posts.”

    tags: communication curation filtering filters informationoverload casestudies IBM W3 corporatecommunication

    • Edwards says IBM hasn’t quite articulated a systematic way for communicators to filter employee-created content, but he says the key is to think like a blogger. Bloggers “instinctively” do two things, he says: They point to content created by others via links, and they provoke discussion.
    • “Our task now is to take the skills that bloggers have developed in curating content and rolling them out across our content teams
    • “Having a single instance of project documentation that all members of the project work off is a far more efficient way of running a project from a document creation and handling perspective than passing attachments via e-mail
    • Employee blogs are a little different, Edwards says, in that they’re more personal and opinion-based. Team leaders often use them for rallying teams around causes or movements, he says.

    • Articles intended for companywide consumption gain little traction, he says. “They’re so general that they lack relevance
  • “At the Enterprise 2.0 conference in June, my only blog post was something of a rant on the emperor having no clothes, since I believe that this has to be about the core business or it’s just not very interesting (and likely won’t survive an economic downturn). Interestingly, Michael Idinopulos of Socialtext was at the same conference, and saw some evidence of the shift towards the idea that ”social software delivers business value when it integrates with business process” (I wish I had been in some of the sessions that he was, since he obviously saw evidence of this opinion being further along than I did).”

    tags: enterprise2.0 socialsoftware businessprocess value BPM

    • Although many vendors focus on the social aspects of process discovery and design, I don’t think that’s where the true impact will be felt: social process execution is the key to bringing together the productivity, governance and quality improvements of BPM with the networking and cultural aspects of social software. Having social features at runtime as innate capabilities for all process participants – through the entire spectrum from structured processes to unstructured collaboration
    • What concerns me is the divide between social business software and enterprise software vendors. I don’t think that most social business software is capable of managing industrial-strength core business processes. I also don’t think that most BPM software is capable of doing social collaboration really, really well – at least, not yet. However, the BPMS vendors have already done the heavy lifting of creating tools to manage business processes and gaining the trust of customer to manage those processe
  • “# Education is not going to help. The world is full of well educated tyrants.
    # Holding up the examples of new businesses like Zappos does not work. There is nothing in the way a Zappos operates to which an existing businesses can relate. By all means explain the differences but leave it at that. Let management work through this for themselves. It might make a model for the future.
    # Tools are not going to help. No amount of layering social tools will encourage staff who are stuck unless they see those tools as a way of relieving stress that is not tied to concerns about management.
    # Talking about cultural change will not work. This is not about culture, it is about behavior. The two are related but different.
    # A continuing emphasis on top line performance wont work. Selling more by simply layering social elements does not work for the reasons outlined and a lot more besides.”

    tags: social engagement eduction management tools behaviors leadership adoption enterprise2.0 socialbusiness culture

  • “En effet, si l’on en revient au fait que les applications de Case Management font appel aux compétences des experts métiers, une nouvelle problématique se pose : comment identifier le bon expert ? Quelle est la personne dans l’organisation qui a le savoir nécessaire et suffisant pour aider à prendre la bonne décision ? Le principe même du Case Management est de proposer une activité à un gestionnaire, lequel gestionnaire est soit suffisament compétent pour la réaliser, soit suffisamment compétent pour demander de l’aide à la bonne personne. Case Management règle le cas où le gestionnaire est le sachant, il lui suffit dans ce cas de compléter sa tâche. Case Management règle également le cas où le gestionnaire n’est pas le sachant mais sait identifier ce dernier. Il utilise alors les outils collaboratifs pour contacter la bonne personne.”

    tags: casemanagement expertise expertslocation

    • Ce que ne règle pas Case Management c’est le cas où le gestionnaire ne sait pas à qui faire appel. Comment attribuer alors une activité à quelqu’un si on ne sait pas identifier ce quelqu’un, comment procéder pour trouver la bonne personne ?
    • mettre en forme un contexte workflow dès lors que le gestionnaire ne sait pas à qui attribuer l’activité, à l’exporter non pas vers une personne nommée mais vers une solution de management de la compétence – appelez ça « réseau d’expertise collaboratif Â» si vous préférez – et ainsi à soumettre ce contexte à une solution qui aiderait à identifier la bonne personne. Charge alors au système de réaiguiller vers cette personne la tâche à accomplir, avec le minimum d’informations nécessaires pour son traitement et à revenir ensuite vers le gestionnaire Case Management pour faire avancer le process.
  • Many managers these days face a social dilemma. They want to use social media to get input from many different customers and employees, because they know that an organization’s judgment is improved if its ideation and decision processes incorporate insights from multiple perspectives. But they can’t bring themselves to let employees use social media at work, because they fear too much social activity will hinder productivity. While we’re all becoming familiar with tweets, profiles, writing on walls, and open online discussion, the key to turning those conversational activities into business value has been elusive.”

    tags: socialmedia structure technology social enterprise2.0 productivity feedback

    • But work effectiveness also demands that people share their knowledge and expertise with each other. That’s where social media comes in.
    • In both cases, the combination of the social and structuring aspects of technology ensures that online social activities are oriented to getting work don
    • . The addition of structure makes everyone more conscious of the work tasks at hand, which limits the desire for purely social interaction. A cultural context emerges around the system in which most people hesitate to chat about personal topics that don’t involve work.
    • Purely social applications are too social, and purely structured applications provide too much structure. Combinations of the two are where the work gets done fastest and most effectively. I’m betting we’ll see a lot more of them.
  • “The time horizon: “Pull” does not mean thinking only about the short-term Many of the people we have talked to about our book have the misconception that pull is driven by a short-term mindset. After all, one of the key drivers of the move from push to pull platforms is the increasing difficulty in forecasting and predicting demand and the consequent challenges this presents”

    tags: pull push longterm indicators strategy iterations iterativethinking

    • The paradox we cited at the outset can be resolved: the long-term view is not a detailed forecast but a high-level direction, a trajectory and a set of challenging goals, which help to focus and guide near-term efforts.
    • he key for pull is to iterate rapidly back and forth between two horizons — long-term direction and short-term (6-12 month) action
    • This type of iterative thinking can create a powerful form of productive friction. Conflicts arise as we repeatedly test our actions and findings against two time horizons; the process of resolving these conflicts can lead to new insights about our quests. In the corporate context, we call this as a FAST strategy (Focus, Accelerate, Strengthen and Tie it together),
  • “I learned from the consultants that an efficient way to improve business processes was to get everybody who was involved in a process in the same room (if possible).Facilitated by the process leader, or external consultants, they had a workshop with the purpose to find pains and ideas on how to improve the process. These workshops were often effective, as they helped each person involved in a process to better understand the activities, needs and challenges of the other people who were involved in the same process. It helped them understand how they could help each other, and thereby how they could contribute to improving other parts of the process, and not just their own.”

    tags: businessprocess socialization enterprise2.0 socialsoftware improvements

      • If someone asks me how social software-powered communication and collaboration ties into business processes (without being specific about their processes), I can give them quite distinct answers:

        • They help you to improve existing processes by connecting different teams, or actually the people and their ideas, across organizational and geographical borders
        • They help you to fix broken processes by allowing anyone who might have an idea for how to solve it, or even a solution ready, to get involved in the problem solving-process
        • They help you ensure that the information resources you need to do your job are supplied, accessible and findable by involving everyone in the challenging tasks of information management instead of just a few select people.
  • tags: airlines crowdsourcing brand innovation socialmedia

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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