TIBCO launches tibbr: enough to make Enterprise 2.0 viable?
“Later this morning I am in San Francisco for the official launch of tibbr, TIBCO’s foray into the world of social networking for the enterprise. In typical TIBCO fashion this is something of a low key launch. If tibbr is deployed correctly, it could represent the way I have envisaged Enterprise 2.0.”
It intelligently marries people, process and context, delivering information the way people want to consume. What do I mean?
You’ll find TIBCO in large enterprises where there is a need to integrate real time data across disparate applications and systems
It has tabs for events and people but more importantly it includes bi-directional feeds in and out of major applications like Salesforce.com, Oracle Expense Management and SAP CRM. That means business processes can trigger events which are surfaced inside tibbr for action.
whether this means that users could use tibbr as an email replacement: “That’s possible,†he said. If correct then TIBCO is on to something because from what I saw, it is no longer necessary to jump from one application to another
In the hour TIBCO spent with me, I felt myself being drawn into what tibbr can offer and seeing use cases without having to worry whether the technology can deliver. Unlike other systems, I wasn’t left thinking that this is a solution looking for a problem.
Un-Manage Your Employees
“If you want to grow and delegate successfully, there’s no way you can function without them. Right?
Wrong. When you hire people who do nothing but manage, you implicitly say to the rest of your employees, “Don’t worry about the coordination or structure of your work—all these concerns now belong to the manager.†When people don’t have to think about the totality of their work environment, because that’s now the manager’s job, they’re less engaged, less motivated and less efficient.”
1. Each employee gets a credit card and is told to use it wisely. No expense reports, no justifications, no haggling. They simply forward the receipts to a shared inbox in case of an audi
2. We don’t count vacation or sick days. People who are working on things they care about are unlikely to game the system or take advantage of free-ranging liberties. We’ve found that we actually need to remind people to take vacation, not keep a tally of who takes too much.
We also let our teams manage each other. Every week, one employee gets to be manager and set the rough agenda, review others’ work, write a company status update, and generally be the go-to person for their colleague
Gone is the complaining about what management is forcing them to do, because rotating management gives them a clear perspective of both sides of the fence.
You might be thinking, “This is crazy—it would never work at my company.†And you may be right. But I think there’s a greater chance that it would work.
What Social Media and Enterprise 2.0 Can Bring to HR Processes
“We covered “The Business Value of Social Media and Enterprise 2.0†with an emphasis on HR process because of the audience. I want to share with you a bit of my thoughts from that session. I first set some context with the classic 2006 McKinsey report on IT spending most of their budgets on transactions but the real business value is in the interactions between people and this area has been underinvested”
A key is the alignment of these new tools with business process and tasks. We are also seeing more integration of capabilities within a single tool set.
I find these tools work best when aligned with business process and are not simply introduced as capabilities such as phones or email.
Recruitment: They are able to more effectively post vacancies with increased participation from internal candidates and volunteers.
Learning and development: A third of training courses for employees and volunteers are done online through social media. There is a significant improvement in the percentage of finished courses versus started only.
Compensation and benefits: Now updated forms are shared more effectively. There is a single storage accessible from all location
HR Process: They are now more effectively enabling and disabling users on the computer network.
Employee Engagement: There is increased interaction among locations, including and especially photos and videos. There is greater relationship building among patients and families.
Game Theory for Enterprise 2.0 Adoption
“In John Hopson’s article Behavioral Game Design he shares the basic ways people react to different patterns of rewards. He ends the article with this: “Each contingency is an arrangement of time, activity, and reward, and there are an infinite number of ways these elements can be combined to produce the pattern of activity you want from your players.—
Add a “date field†for the updated date. Display “recently updated profiles†list on the profiles dashboard.
Add a “date field for the last viewed date. Display “recently viewed profiles†list on the profiles dashboard
Add a “int field†to store the count of profile views. Display “most viewed profiles†list on the profiles dashboard.
Display a limited “profile recently viewed by†list in member’s profile. The limit works with time, while the list surfaces activity. This encourages connection
Display “recent activity stream with dates†in member’s profile. This encourages activity across the platform
Add two “int fields†to store the profile point counts. Members should be awarded virtual cash for increasing the value of the Enterprise 2.0 Platform.
The Enterprise 2.0 Strategy of Gamification
“Gamification is the use of game play mechanics for non-game applications, in order to encourage people to adopt the applications. It also strives to encourage users to engage in desired behaviors in connection with the applications. “
Gamification in Enterprise 2.0 is about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation
Poking at the Soft Underbelly of Social Media
“Firstly, we released a white paper by noted futurist and change agent Geoffrey Moore on Systems of Engagement and the Future of Enterprise IT. The report posed some challenging questions about the world of Systems of Record. It reflected on the ground that we have all been tilling for the ast 20 years and its connection (or some would speculate, lack thereof) to the new world of Systems of Engagement, aka Social Business aka Enterprise 2.0 (so as not to offend any of the legions of consultants who are currently battling over the right term).
Secondly, I spent a good deal of time with a reporter from a major business publication who was interested in the rumors that a major bank (speculation was Bank of America or J.P. Morgan or Citigroup) was the next Wikileaks target. One of the issues we discussed was what this meant for the future of social media. Other than, of course, the obvious conclusion that one should be very suspect of anyone in your organization lip synching to Lady Gaga, who has the largest Twitter following in the world — 7,829,385 followers.”
But all this social information and content is something that needs management and governance. I hate to even say this, for fear it may put me in the not cool part of the social crowd. Probably the adult version of the crowd I hung around in when I was an all-state bass clarinetist in high school.
But sooner or later, we are going to have to getting serious about how we want to manage social content. Because the tension to keep it all (to improve the knowledge base of the organization) vs. the tension to get rid of it all as quickly as possible (to keep the lawyers at bay) is going to escalate quickly. This content is valuable to the business. This content is most likely not a record in the ARMA sense (although some might be). But it is electronically stored information in the FRCP (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure) sense. And for organizations that do “social” well, there will be a hell of a lot of it.
Firstly, even though the Wikileaks cable fiasco really had nothing to do with social technologies and had everything to do with the usual caution that the weakest link in our security systems are our people, it will inevitably give ammunition to those ill disposed toward social technologies in the first place
Secondly, the courts are increasingly including outside-the-firewall social information in discovery requests. Per The Modern Archivist…”Courts have also found that social media and e-discovery are made for each other.
Thirdly, many organizations have policies relative to the old era of systems of record that would seem difficult if not impossible to extend into the era of social technologies. But they are doing so anyway.
Social technologies have the ability to transform organizations and make them smarter and more responsive. They can help organizations more quickly come up with answers to difficult questions. They create exponentially more and more varied and more informal information than our kludgy old email systems. The systems become smarter over time as the knowledge base builds. The business imperative of responsiveness and dexterity encourages us to retain this information.
This is all terrific until something occurs that unleashes the lawyers and the e-discovery requests. And then what? The approach of the courts hasn’t been that social content is new and different and needs to be treated differently because of the unique benefits it brings to the business and society
Let’s start thinking systematically about how we should manage and govern and retain all of this ephemeral content. Let’s start thinking about how our old system of records definitions need to change. Let’s start thinking about a different paradigm for managing information other than just extending the old paper definitions further and further into the world of electronic information. Let’s understand that there are risks in just winging it. Let’s get on with implementing social technologies, but responsibly.
Pour une gouvernance de l’information
Critical thinking in the organization
“Critical thinking calls for a persistent effort to examine any belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it tends. It also generally requires ability to recognize problems, to find workable means for meeting those problems, to gather and marshal pertinent information, to recognize unstated assumptions and values, to comprehend and use language with accuracy, clarity, and discrimination, to interpret data, to appraise evidence and evaluate arguments, to recognize the existence (or non-existence) of logical relationships between propositions, to draw warranted conclusions and generalizations, to put to test the conclusions and generalizations at which one arrives, to reconstruct one’s patterns of beliefs on the basis of wider experience, and to render accurate judgments about specific things and qualities in everyday life.”
Ecouter n’est plus suffisant, il faut réagir… entre « community management » et social CRM
“La tendance est en effet de moins en moins à se contenter d’écouter. Les prestations de veille se complètent progressivement en intégrant des offres/fonctionnalités réactives ou de community management. Un métier encore jeune, en pleine explosion mais bien plus compliqué qu’il n’y paraît, et pas toujours bien compris. “
Si on est à même d’identifier les plus grands fans et détracteurs (avec le sujet épineux de l’évaluation de l’influence ou de l’audience de ceux-ci) online, il y a matière à les traiter de manière spécifique tout au long de l’année
La création ou curation de contenus et le storytelling seront aussi des expertises clefs pour nourrir ces échanges… Certaines marques lancent même leur « social media room » comme Gatorade ou H&M
définit le SRM avec la formule suivante : SRM = CRM (Client) + PRM (Prospect) + Stratégie d’influence
Le serpent de mer de l’analyse du ROI est encore loin d’être réglé car même si cela fait sens de savoir ce qu’on dit de vous, le monitoring de l’e-reputation est d’abord un coût à court terme.
Un point à ne pas oublier en matière d’e-reputation est enfin la prise en compte du risque salarié. Les entreprises américaines sont déjà en avance en matière de formation et sensibilisation (via des social media guidelines par exemple) de leurs propres employés.
Avez-vous assez confiance dans vos collaborateurs, leurs langages, leurs comportements, leurs expertises ? « Les entreprises vont devoir rapidement redéfinir les limites des contextes où l’on peut/veut intervenir : il est désormais indispensable de savoir quel rôle on joue dans quel contexte, quelle figure on endosse dans quel milieu (figure privée, figure du consommateur, figure du citoyen, figure du salarié, figure du patron d’entreprise, etc.)
Et où trouver le juste milieu entre « personal branding » qui profite aussi à l’employeur et autopromo incontrôlée au profit pure de l’employé. « Ces nouvelles questions risquent de révolutionner tout simplement le Droit
Enfin, une autre approche du social CRM est de réfléchir à concevoir sa propre communauté mais c’est une démarche à long terme et non sans péril en dehors du fait que toutes les marques ne sont pas forcément adaptées à cette approche.
Department of Defense: access to Internet-based capabilities is critical, despite risks
“In 2011, Internet-based capabilities, including social networking, are no longer a “nice to have†at the Department of Defense. According to official documents, policies statements, and the example set by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, these capabilities can and do contribute to the missions of the Pentagon. Yes, loose tweets may sink fleets, as a read of the U.S. Navy social media handbook reminds sailors, but the opportunities appear to balance the risks.”
As a result of these findings, it was determined that access to Internet-based capabilities is a critical functionality that must be preserved, despite some associated risks. Therefore, rather than restricting access to these capabilities, the NIPRNET must be configured and guidance integrated regarding the proper use of Internet-based capabilities into OPSEC education, training and awareness activities to allow safe use of them by all components.
the Pentagon will not ban social media. Instead, the DoD appears to be shifting to a posture where the use of social media, both in external and internal platforms, will be integrated into the work of all service members, aka “components.
To whit, the U.S. Army’s social media handbook, released to the public yesterday, is embedded below. The handbook earned quick approval from Jeremiah Owyang, one of the world’s top social media consultants, who called it excellent.
Comment fédérer les salariés d’une entreprise autour de sa marque employeur?
“Comment fédérer les salariés de son entreprise autour de sa marque employeur? autrement dit, comment faire en sorte qu’un maximum de salariés soient des ambassadeurs de la marque en question ?”
En parallèle, il ne faut pas oublier que la marque employeur ne s’arrête pas aux réseaux sociaux. Tous les médias ou moyens de communication sont utilisés par les salariés pour parler de leur entreprise.
Lorsque les objectifs sont clairs, que les leviers sont identifiés, il est important de faire en sorte que le discours associé ne soit pas compris de travers ou totalement dénigré. C’est pour cette raison, que la première étape est de travailler sur la politique des Ressources Humaines de l’entreprise
Tout cela pour en arriver où? au point essentiel, qu’il est primordial que la politique RH doit être clairement définie, communiquée, comprise et acquise par tous pour être sûr qu’un maximum de salariés deviennent les meilleurs ambassadeurs de la marque employeur de l’entreprise.
Comme évoqué plus haut, chaque RH doit connaitre parfaitement la politque RH. Il doit savoir dire en quoi cette politique RH sert l’intérêt de l’entreprise, des managers et des salariés et surtout il doit être capable de la transmettre à tous. Pour ce faire, il faut donc que les RH deviennent les premiers ambassadeurs de la marque employeur en interne.
Le virage 2.0, sous contrôle, de Renault
“Transformer une entreprise industrielle centenaire de 130 000 collaborateurs requiert de la méthode et du temps. Il existait déjà des initiatives 2.0 (blogs, wikis…) chez Renault, mais c’est en 2009 que le constructeur automobile a commencé à formaliser une démarche 2.0 globale qui se concrétise par la mise en place d’un réseau social d’entreprise, basé sur Sharepoint.
Pour initier son programme de transformation, Renault s’est appuyé sur des communautés pilote. Elles ont expérimenté de nouvelles façons de travailler et ont servi à valider les scénarios d’usage qui avaient été imaginés.”
« Contrairement à d’autres entreprises qui ont multiplié les communautés, Renault a adopté une approche qualitative avec une structuration et un fort accompagnement »,
« Le challenge pour l’entreprise consiste à susciter des initiatives, à ne pas freiner celles qui sont en cours, tout en évitant une forme d’anarchie avec des réseaux sociaux enchevêtrés »,
Des règles de gouvernance, de conduite du changement et de communication communes ont été établies. Elles sont le résultat de la synthèse de deux tendances antagonistes : le laisser-faire demandé par une partie des équipes terrain et le besoin de contrôler et d’accompagner le mouvement par l’équipe en charge de la transformation.
Pour chacune des communautés, le constructeur a mis en place des indicateurs techniques et d’usage, ces derniers étant spécifiques à chaque communauté. Mais la finalité business, clairement affirmée, a été définie par le numéro 2 de Renault, Patrick Pélata, sponsor du projet. Les objectifs consistent à vendre plus et mieux, à réduire les stocks, à simplifier l’organisation, et à structurer les filières d’expertise.
WTF, l’édition 2010 balaye les chiffres clefs des media sociaux
“Vous vous souvenez sans doute de la présentation que Marta Kagan avait rédigé il y a 2 ans, une nouvelle édition est en ligne et met en perspective les chiffres clefs des médias et réseaux sociaux, à lire!”