Making An Intranet More Social
“Offering a handful of limited social tools in a corner of the intranet is missing not only the more significant opportunity to unleash the untapped potential of enterprise intranets, but it will likely be soundly rejected on the ground by a growing percentage of today’s workers. Instead, organizations should be planning for a fundamentally social intranet. “
They realize it can enable self-service and unleash an organization to share knowledge and work together in powerful new ways. It also makes it very easy to connect the organization’s knowledgeable experts to those that need to know, while using what I’ve started calling stored collaboration to ensure that this process scales and is highly time and resource efficient..
Even better, the concerns about trust and control over social media, particularly internal use, continue to fall by the wayside.
Now the question that I’m seeing asking more often is how to go beyond social media lip service and integrate it more deeply into the fabric of a modern intranet.
1. The core intranet based on a social suite. Legacy Web-apps located elsewhere on the network with lightweight integration
2. The social intranet is divided up into two social platforms that each have unique functions and strengths.
3. The social intranet is delivered via a social business suite with all or most intranet apps running within it
Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity – May 2011
“Analyzing large data sets—so called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus as long as the right policies and enablers are in place.
Research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office examines the state of digital data and documents the significant value that can potentially be unlocked. “
If US health care were to use big data creatively and effectively to drive efficiency and quality, the sector could create more than $300 billion in value every year. Two-thirds of that would be in the form of reducing US health care expenditure by about 8 percent. In the developed economies of Europe, government administrators could save more than €100 billion ($149 billion) in operational efficiency improvements alone by using big data, not including using big data to reduce fraud and errors and boost the collection of tax revenues. And users of services enabled by personal location data could capture $600 billion in consumer surplus.
Making big data more accessible in a timely manner. In the public sector, making data more accessible across otherwise separated departments can sharply reduce search and processing time. In manufacturing, integrating data from R&D, engineering, and manufacturing units to enable c
Using data and experimentation to expose variability and improve performance. As they create and store more transactional data in digital form, organizations can collect more accurate and detailed performance data on everything from product inventories to personnel sick days.
Segmenting populations to customize actions. Big data allow organizations to create ever-narrower segmentations and to tailor services precisely to meet customer needs
Replacing and supporting human decision-making with automated algorithms. Sophisticated analytics can substantially improve decision making, minimize risks, and unearth valuable insights that would otherwise remain hidden.
Innovating new business models, products, and services. Manufacturers are using data obtained from the use of products to improve the development of the next generation of products
The United States alone faces a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with analytical expertise and 1.5 million managers and analysts with the skills to understand and make decisions based on the analysis of big data.
“Companies often achieve great success with a value network business model, or internal collaborative value networks, only to have that advantage erode over time. Why is that? In our experience, an organization that has not truly mastered Value Network Analysis as a basic competency finds it increasingly difficult to hold the line against the more familiar and traditional bureaucratic models of organization”
Level1. Initial Stage
Itis characteristic of value networks at this stage that they are mostlyundocumented and in a state of dynamic change.
Level2. Repeatable Stage
Atthis level of maturity some sequences or value flows are repeatable, possiblywith consistent results.
Level3. Defined Stage
Itis characteristic of value networks at this level that there are sets ofdefined and documented standard sequences and specific transactions betweenroles
Level4. Managed Stage
Atthis stage value network metrics are used effectively to control differentflows and sequence variations.
Level5. Optimizing Stage
Itis characteristic of value networks at this level that there is a general focuson continually improving value network performance through both incremental andinnovative changes and improvements
Cette vidéo nous explique que le modèle RH interne chez L’Oréal doit évoluer. En effet L’Oréal doit restructurer son organisation interne pour mieux appréhender les questions digitales.”
Les RH peuvent-ils s’inspirer des jeux vidéos ?
“Rendre le travail ludique: émulation ou infantilisation ? On se méprendrait à réduire trop vite la gamification à la conception de hochets numériques pour jeunes hyperconnectés, distinguant de moins en moins ce qui doit être sérieux de ce qui ne l’est pas. Car à bien y réfléchir, comme le remarque Ross Smith dans un article consacré à la gamification du travail, les mécaniques de jeu procèdent des mêmes leviers mis en oeuvre par les attirails RH traditionnels : “
le jeu comme le travail se rejoignent en ce que tous deux se veulent une réponse aux mêmes aspirations humaines d’accomplissement, de dépassement de soi et de reconnaissance.
‘explorer, de maîtriser un environnement, et poursuivre
atteinte d’un objectif
par des
réalisations progressives:
et l’institut Gartner d’estimer que 50% des entreprises utiliseront la gamification d’ici 2015.
une expérience de gamification RH que j’ai eu l’occasion de conduire en concevant un système d’attribution de badges destinés à organiser et matérialiser la montée en compétences au sein de centres d’appels bancaires:
Nous avons conçu des badges « métiers » (compétences spécifiques à la relation client au téléphone) et des badges « produits » (compétences spécifiques à la maîtrise de produits bancaires). Des parcours type indicatifs permettent de baliser la progression du collaborateur à travers la préparation et la validation de badges successifs, en fonction des besoins de l’activité et de ses choix de spécialisation
Des badges consistants peuvent faire partie intégrante d’une identité numérique professionnelle, que l’on peut afficher en interne… ou en externe.
cette initiative a le mérite d’ouvrir le champ des possibles en démontrant qu’un simple objet de jeu, pour peu qu’on lui en confére une vraie signification, peut servir de structure à la réinvention des poussiéreuses GPEC, voire même ouvrir des démarches compétences inter-organisations, dans une logique d’écosystème.