Links for this week (weekly)


  • “Past research has shown that more freedom is better: increased decision-making power leads to greater satisfaction and job performance because staff feel more in control of their work. But how does increased freedom — and decision latitude, or a broader array of choices — affect employees’ perceptions of their managers as leaders”

    tags: management automony freedom control autonomy empowerment

    • “Managers who don’t give their employees choices in how to do their work are perceived as dictators or authoritarians,” Iyengar says. “And managers who offer too much freedom are perceived as warm but incompetent.”
    • there is a happy medium: managers who offer employees limited choices in their approach to work — some options, but not too many — are perceived as warm and competent.
  • ” Gamification at its heart is about engagement, whether it’s the end customer or the employee workforce but it’s the latter I’m more concerned with here. There is an explosion of workflow and enterprise task management tools which have been designed and built purely from a gamified perspective but I’m not convinced any thought has been given to actual productivity. And this is going to seriously damage the concept from the inside.”

    tags: gamification engagement workflows productivity collaboration rewards rew

    • I stumbled across one today which claims to let you set goals and save creatures from danger. Are we playing a game or actually trying to achieve a completed task list ? And when does the line cross from no longer being about the work but just about the game ?
    • The other aspect of gamification that some are happy to ignore is the overuse of the reward system, implemented quickly with a bit of gloss it completely ignores what motivates a large proportion of human psyche. To cheat.
    • As I wrote in a recent article, it’s human nature to quickly embrace a fun method of working but then as equally quickly to tire and bore of it once you’ve figured out the mechanics and for the clever of us, manipulate the scores. Gamification will collapse as a viable employee engagement method in a productivity context very quickly.
    • . If gamification is about engagement, then practice what you preach.
    • What we really need at this stage is a unification and collaboration into what it means to gamify, an authority in application and methodology, the basic frameworks to build upon and flesh out with open participation to create that standard.
  • “This might look like a holiday postcard, and it in some way is. Summer always offers a great opportunity to switch off, step back and think a bit more critically. One has to admit that while our consumption’s habits are changing at fast pace, as a result of a rabid co-evolutionary race between all the internet-enabled devices and services at our disposal and the new behaviors these services enable, social technologies aren’t yet transforming the way most businesses operate.”

    tags: flows jobtobedone system predictabiliy collaboration adoption

    • But shouldn’t technology by itself be considered under a behavioral angle, as the workplace itself conditions our behavior. Unfortunately, the studies dealing about the relationships between technology and organizational behavior are scarce.
    • To successfully become mainstream, social computing will need much more adaptation, backed by organizational psychology, than adoption
    • there seems to be a consensus among the Enterprise 2.0 / Social Business crowd about the need to incorporate collaboration in people’s workflow, for an apparently salutary purpose: facilitating their tasks. By doing so, we begin to be able to measure productivity gains and efficiency enhancements.
    • There is some kind of hypocrisy in pushing social technology at the workflow level, thus serving the corporate belief in automated performance, while thinking (or simply hoping) that collaborative behaviors will at the same time challenge this belie

      Putting in gear social technologies at business -not worker- level means going beyond communities and knowledge sharing.

    • Social technologies present us with an unique opportunity to not only work differently, as individuals or as groups, but to think differently at the how and why work is done.
    • We don’t simply need to DO social, we have to THINK social, and the way it fits and enhances businesses’ purpose.
  • “How do you approach working with others? What is your resonant mode?

    Here’s my two cents:

    Competition – “I win if you lose.”
    Cooperation – “I will agree to go along with you here, if you agree to go along with me here – which might involve some compromise on both our parts – a chipping-off sometimes.”
    Collaboration – “We work together in a way that includes what is important to both of us and our visions without having to compromise.”
    Cocreation – “We work together in a way that includes what is important to both of us without having to compromise AND what we emerge is new, unexpected and greater than the sum of our visions.””

    tags: competition cooperation collaboration cocreation

  • “I have been pondering and writing about the on-going change in the way we work, now and in the future. I especially love to evangelize about and to the people like myself, the middle-aged knowledge workers. A new kind of social pressure is on us.

    I feel this need for change everyday in my work and in the business environments I am actively part of. Yes, I particularly chose to say feel. I have one skill I like a lot: I combine numerous signals and facts, added with intuition. And yes, I am 100% layman futurist. You may laugh at that, however there are many reason-reasons to take the social revolution seriously”

    tags: valuecreation socialmedia collaboration socialbusiness transformation missingout knowledgeworkers

    • In a very short period of time social media has risen from oblivion, and is part of the lives and work of most people in the developed world.
    • when social technologies are used to improve collaboration and communication within and across enterprises is twice as big as the value that can be created through all other uses across the value chain
    • The total potential value at stake in these sectors is $900 billion to $1.3 trillion annually.
    • My 11-years old Analyzing Framework for Value Creation is a very simple model on how organizations are creating value; the ways of enhancing the supply chain processes, and how they can find new ways for cooperation within the business ecosystems.
    • How will the “professionally middle-aged” (not necessarily chronologically) knowledge workers cope, and how to work on with our attitude towards the rapid change, and further to value creation. 
    • From the knowledge work perspective, the people and innovation should be in the core. That requires a new kind of leadership, and strategy as well.
    • The idea of JOMO was a continuation for FOMO, or the “fear of missing out,” a term coined by the founder of Flickr, Caterina Fake. She wrote about how social media has made us even more aware of the things we are missing out.
    • From JOMO and FOMO, I did think of ROMO, Risk of Missing Out.
    • I believe that any knowledge worker who is not active at all in social media has a huge risk of missing out…the many possibilities of the future work life, lots of learning, and an opportunity for necessary unlearning.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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