Links for this week (weekly)

  • “Today everyone is talking about social business and while there are varying levels of skepticism and adoption, I doubt that anyone really questions that the genie is well and truly out of the bottle and she ain’t going back in for anyone. Social business is here to stay and we either cultivate it or wilt on the vine. Social business is also evolving, with increasing focus on business integration and blending “systems of records” (transactions) with “systems of engagement” (actions & interactions). As Dion and Alan pointed out its now increasingly about bringing social to the business, enabling new types of social business processes and applications, resulting in both business and cultural transformation.”

    tags: activitystream socialanalytics integration systemsofrecord businessprocesses

    • Every person and application in the business vying for your attention… Scared? Don’t worry help is at hand 🙂
    • Firstly, I predict that in the future few of us will ever drink directly from the firehose. We will be ingesting the stream through our own personal Social Lens which uses analytics to not only filter, but more importantly synthesize the information

      Secondly, I predict that the in the future the primary consumer-of and contributor-to the activity stream with be other applications, not people.

  • Here’s a nice case study about IBM and the company’s own way to becoming a Social Business. IBM is talking about Social Business and the benefits for organisations since more than three years now. But the company itself has started this Social Business journey even a couple of years before (also probably before they even thought about a “Social Business” in that context themselves…).

    This case study by Rowan Hetherington from IBM Australia describes this journey:

    1. A driver of innovation: Mobile offices and the need for collaboration

    2. Developing tools for social networking

    3. The journey

    4. Social Business at IBM today

    5. IBM Connections

    6. IBMs Social Business statistics (as at September 2012)

    7. Business impacts

    tags: ibm casestudies socialbusiness enterprise2.0 transformation changemanagement

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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