The 6 Pillars of The Digital Workplace
“The business environment that knowledge-intense businesses operate in is anything but static – it’s changing faster and faster, and in new ways. It’s becoming more and more unpredictable. This means that businesses can’t do long-term planning the way they used to. Instead they have to be prepared for change, becoming agile enough to quickly adapt to new conditions and situations.”
there is a tension, and often conflict, between agility and productivity. How do we as knowledge workers remain productive, or even increase productivity, when we need to adapt to new conditions all the time
To deal with it we have to improvise. Collaborate. Think outside of the box. The problem is that our organizations haven’t been designed for this reality
Many knowledge workers even lack such basic things as a complete set of good quality tools to do their jobs
This technology-centric approach adds complexity instead of reducing it, instead of making things simpler for knowledge workers.
we need a new and better approach for boosting knowledge worker productivity, and that this approach must, by necessity, take a holistic grip on our digital work environment so that unnecessary complexity can be reduced or eliminated
Réussir sa stratégie de digitalisation des services
“Les innovations technologiques récentes ont accéléré le mouvement de la digitalisation des services, dans tous les secteurs d’activité. Du côté de la DSI, éditeur de ces services pour le compte des directions métiers, la mise en Å“uvre d’une stratégie cohérente et progressive est indispensable pour bien négocier le virage.”
les innovations technologiques liées au “tout connecté” ouvrent la voie à un éventail de possibilités qu’il était encore difficile d’imaginer il y a très peu de temps, en termes d’automatisation des processus, d’interactions entre les entreprises et leurs clients, ou encore d’amélioration du confort de vie (Internet mobile, domotique, objets connectés…).
Ces nouveaux services sont nécessairement interfacés avec le système d’information (CRM, ERP, CMS, SIRH…) de l’entreprise qui souhaite les proposer, quand ils ne sont pas connectés à celui d’autres sociétés. Leur conception ne peut donc plus être appréhendée sous la forme de microprojets satellites,
il est difficile pour la DSI de faire des choix qui seront pérennes à long terme. Pour réussir leur virage vers le digital, tout en évitant de s’enfermer dans des “silos de services”, peu évolutifs et réduits à leurs fonctionnalités d’origine, elles doivent nécessairement adopter une démarche agile : identifier avec les métiers les services et plateformes à développer en priorité, puis compléter au fur et à mesure, par projets itératifs.
Cruciale pour automatiser les processus et se démarquer, l’innovation ne doit pas faire oublier aux entreprises la nécessité d’être irréprochables sur les services digitaux “de base”
Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption
“After years of debate and study, in 2007 McKinsey & Company initiated a series of business model innovations that could reshape the way the global consulting firm engages with clients. One of the most intriguing of these is McKinsey Solutions, software and technology-based analytics and tools that can be embedded at a client, providing ongoing engagement outside the traditional project-based model”
the launch of McKinsey Solutions is dramatically different because it is not grounded in deploying human capital. Why would a firm whose primary value proposition is judgment-based and bespoke diagnoses invest in such a departure when its core business was thriving?
We have come to the conclusion that the same forces that disrupted so many businesses, from steel to publishing, are starting to reshape the world of consulting. The implications for firms and their clients are significant. The pattern of industry disruption is familiar: New competitors with new business models arrive; incumbents choose to ignore the new players or to flee to higher-margin activities; a disrupter whose product was once barely good enough achieves a level of quality acceptable to the broad middle of the market, undermining the position of longtime leaders and often causing the “flip†to a new basis of competition.
For example, at traditional strategy-consulting firms, the share of work that is classic strategy has been steadily decreasing and is now about 20%, down from 60% to 70% some 30 years ago, according to Tom Rodenhauser, the managing director of advisory services at Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory.
At traditional strategy-consulting firms, the share of work that is classic strategy is now about 20%—down from 60% to 70% some 30 years ago. -
We spoke to a partner at one large firm who anticipates that the percentage of projects employing value-based pricing instead of per diem billing will go from the high single digits to a third of the business within 20 years.
Like most other professional services, consulting is highly opaque compared with manufacturing-based companies. The most prestigious firms have evolved into “solution shops†whose recommendations are created in the black box of the team room.
Social Network Analysis: making invisible work visible.
“What else can network analysis reveal? The detail is in the attached paper, but the following is a brief summary of what a well-informed manager could glean from a network analysis approach:”
- Bottlenecks – individuals or groups that provide the only connection between different parts of the network.
- Number of links – insufficient or excessive links between departments that should coordinate effectively.
- Degrees of separation connecting all pairs of nodes in the group. Short distances transmit information accurately and in a timely way, while long distances transmit slowly and can distort the information. This can also show the number of nodes that an individual would have to go through to get an answer.
- Isolation – people that are not integrated well into a group and therefore, represent both untapped skills and a high likelihood of turnover.
- Highly expert people – that may not be utilised effectively.
- Individuals whose potential departure might result in the loss of unique knowledge to the organisation.
- Organisational subgroups or cliques – can develop their own subcultures and negative attitudes toward other groups.
- Emergent leaders and informal experts.
- Linking patterns amongst blogs.
- Emergent communities.
- Tracking growth of on-line communities.
- Staff movements and location (e.g. for optimising office use). ‘What if’ analysis can be performed to predict the outcome of your organisational and social change initiatives.
How Sales VPs Can Co-Develop Better Sellers
“Looking ahead, VPs of Sales may need to shift focus from challenges of managing sales transactions, to that of making sure their sales force keep up with the customer community and stay knowledgeable about their offerings, the competition and the market.”
In these increasingly murky waters, there is also new value opportunity for those in charge of corporate learning. The opportunity is to shift the role of corporate learning from a function of compliance to a function of co-creation.
“Let’s really talk about what keeps [a VP of sales] up at night. It’s not the transactional elements of CRM. It is ‘how am I going to onboard and ramp up my sales teams so they start selling?’ The need to continuously enable and re-enable their salespeople becomes a constant challenge
- The transactional graph – all the structured information about the seller’s territory, customers, and product and services portfolio
- The employee graph – the structured information that lies in HR Information Systems (HRIS) in companies all around ‘because they need to know who in the company knows.’
- The social graph – the seller’s own network of relationships both internal and external.
In particular, three key data sources to help the seller, he points to having access to:
This blend of social interaction into enterprise information systems and processes, sets the stage for employees to collect, distill and share what they have learned in the process of doing their jobs.