Links for this week (weekly)


  • “Humans are very good at specifying what’s needed for a position and eliciting information from candidates—but they’re very bad at weighing the results. Our analysis of 17 studies of applicant evaluations shows that a simple equation outperforms human decisions by at least 25%. The effect holds in any situation with a large number of candidates, regardless of whether the job is on the front line, in middle management, or (yes) in the C-suite. “

    tags: humanresources analytics hranalytics recruiting hiring

    • The problem is that people are easily distracted by things that might be only marginally relevant, and they use information inconsistently.
    • Surveys suggest that when assessing individuals, 85% to 97% of professionals rely to some degree on intuition or a mental synthesis of information.
    • We do recommend that you use a purely algorithmic system, based on a large number of data points, to narrow the field before calling on human judgment to pick from just a few finalists—say, thre
  • “The point is that, much like the computer on your desk or the iPhone in your hand, the entire Universe is programmable. Just as you can build apps for your smartphones and new services for the internet, so can you shape and re-shape almost anything in this world, from landscapes and buildings to medicines and surgeries to, well, ideas — as long as you know the code.”

    tags: programmation API

    • Now we need to discover and document the APIs for the Universe. We need a standard way of organizing our knowledge and sharing it with the world at large, a problem for which programmers already have good solutions.
    • Now, let’s combine this with the idea that everything is an application: molecules, galaxies, dogs, people, emotional states, abstract concepts like chaos.
  • “This fusion of all-knowing systems with practically boundless instrumented data from the real world is simply the inevitable scenario that happens when enterprise big data meets the coming ambient connectedness of most manufactured things. It’s practically the very definition of a synergistic effect.”

    tags: technology wearabledevices mobile internetofthings 3Dprinting quantifiedenterprise

    • Network-enabled devices based on these technologies are defining a new set of capabilities, namely that everything and anything can be percieved remotely, in real-time, over the network, and can then be monitored, measured, and even controlled as necessary.
    • the Internet of Things industry — IoT, for short — is network-enabling physical items in the enterprise down to the smallest conceivable object,
    • These objects (devices) inherently know how to find and connect to the cloud, and they’re designed to transmit data about their location, orientation, and other useful quantified and qualified types of data (health, usage, battery life, etc.).
    • Instead, the quanitified enterprise describes a mindset where readily available tools exist that enable analytics and business intelligence around the enterprise Interenet of Things at a much more fine-grained and high-scale manner.
    • The quanitified enterprise is made up of applications and instrumentation that allows workers to literally take the full measure of what’s taking place now and use it to manage, control, and optimize the business.
    • Enterprise smart watches, the Hitachi Business Microscope, and Google Glass are just a few of the harbingers of the future workplace. Gesture-based computing and even mind/machine interfaces are all in various stages of R&D and will allow us to not only greatly increase the speed of interaction and control with workplace technologies, but will also increasingly permit us to have higher bandwidth sensual perception of enterprise data, IoT devices, and the resultant quantified enterprise.
    • Long-term, 3D scanning and printing will allow most objects to be manufactured just-in-time at the point of consumption. Increasingly complex devices made out of a growing number of materials will be possible within a short period of time.
    • These applications will be designed to enable collaboration natively on mobile devices, and will support multiple modes of communication, especially high definition, multi-point video.
  • “The more prosaic reality is that most organizations are only reporting low incremental returns from their recent investments in collaboration, often in the single digits. While this is often enough to justify the expenditure, it’s still a far cry from the revolutionary outcomes many — including yours truly — realized were possible.

    But for those with an IT background, this does not come as much of a surprise. Large IT projects frequently underperform initially for a variety of reasons, not the least which is that it takes time to absorb and metabolize major shifts in how we work. The truth is that IT is still struggling to reconcile new collaborative tools with the old ones. During this process, we’ve often forgot, ironically given that the focus is collaboration, that we must create collaborative solutions that are good fits both for the people that use them, as well as the urgent needs of the business itself.”

    tags: collaboration socialbusiness marketing socialmarketing customercommunity enterprisesocialnetworks

    • Organizations that fundamentally restructure the way they work around improved collaborative methods see far higher business benefits.
    • An organization is not a whole consisting of parts. There is no inside and outside. An organization is a continuously developing or stagnating pattern in time. Industrial management was a particular pattern based on specific assumptions about causality and human agency.
    • The focus of industrial management was on division of labor and the design of vertical/horizontal communication channels. The focus should now be on cooperation and emergent interaction based on transparency, interdependence and responsiveness.
    • So, while highly scaled and cost-effective open business processes and community-centric business models are now clearly the end-game when it comes to rethinking collaboration to ensure large organizations are competitive in today’s marketplace, most companies require at least several discrete steps to get there.
    • The redesign and optimization of business processes across functions to employ the unique strengths of modern collaborative approaches.
    • Adoption of a simultaneously customer-centric and worker-centric model of collaboration
    • A shift from collaboration as a support function to a business function
    • Lastly, part of the problem is that collaborative project teams today are often in support units — such as IT, corporate communications, or even HR (see visual above) — and consequently don’t have responsibility or control over other parts of the business
    • the single most effective action that businesses can take to improve community-based collaboration is secure close executive involvement.
  • ” Qu’elles le revendiquent ou s’en inquiètent, les équipes RH ont un rôle central à jouer dans cette transformation d’entreprise. Mais il est indispensable qu’elles disposent d’une culture digitale minimum, donc qu’elles soient formées. Cela doit être une priorité dans l’agenda des DRH.”

    tags: digitaltransformation humanresources

    • Dans ces conditions, les DRH n’ont d’autre choix qu’initier leur propre transformation digitale, seule condition pour comprendre les transformations digitales de leurs clients internes que sont les métiers, intégrer leurs objectifs business pour être en mesure de les accompagner efficacement, et ainsi être un partenaire crédible et légitime de la transformation de l’entreprise.
    • Certains métiers RH ont pris une avance certaine sur d’autres : équipes en charge du recrutement, poussées par les nouveaux comportements des candidats et le développement des réseaux sociaux professionnels, équipes en charge de la communication RH et de la Marque Employeur, qui se sont adaptés aux nouvelles pratiques de consommation de l’information, responsables de la formation, qui ont vécu l’émergence du e-learning et voient arriver les MOOCs. Déjà émerge aux USA le métier de Â« HR analyst Â», chargé de recueillir, d’organiser et d’exploiter les datas des collaborateurs pour la prise de décision.
    • Il est en tout cas certain que les RH ne peuvent se contenter de suivre passivement le rythme imposé par la Direction générale sans prendre l’initiative.
    • Loin d’être une transformation des outils, la transition numérique des entreprises est celle de la culture, des comportements, des rapports humains, de l’organisation du temps et des méthodes de travail, des interactions sociales.
  • “Nous aimons les jardins à la française avec leurs grandes perspectives structurées par d’immenses allées qui rendent le jardin lisible de presque n’importe quel point, les répétitions des essences et des bassins, la simplicité des rythmes… Mais est-ce vraiment un lieu de vie ? N’est-ce pas plutôt un lieu de représentation, de théâtre ? La vie n’appelle-t-elle pas plus de désordre et d’improvisation ?”

    tags: management complexity

    • Trop de dirigeants pensent que, pour mieux diriger, il leur faut simplifier l’organisation et la structurer partout selon la même logique. Il est vrai que c’est plus simple pour eux, puisque quel que soit l’endroit où ils se trouvent, la logique apparente est la même : dès la sortie de l’avion, ils n’ont pas à réfléchir et se sentent chez eux.
    • Comment ont-ils procédé pour concevoir ce jardin ? Dans le silence de leur bureau, sans avoir eu besoin de voir le terrain où le jardin allait prendre place, guidés par leur créativité personnelle, aidés de quelques experts, ils ont dessiné son plan. Ensuite, ils ont reconfiguré le terrain, arasant si nécessaire les collines et creusant les bassins.
    • Le résultat est cet ensemble ordonné et majestueux. Ainsi s’appuyant sur les rapports d’experts, des comités de direction conçoivent une organisation monolithique et simplificatrice. Mais est-ce que la vie passe réellement dans ces organigrammes
    • Non, dès que l’entreprise est grande, dès qu’elle opère sur des marchés et des pays multiples, ce sont les jardins à l’anglaise qu’il faut privilégier, des jardins faits de diversité et d’hétérogénéité. Alors la vie pourra s’y inscrire, et n’aura pas besoin d’en sortir.
    • Pas de malentendus, un jardin anglais est un ensemble ordonné, mais, comme tous les systèmes vivants, c’est un ordre complexe et diversifié :
    • Évidemment, une organisation conçue sur la logique du jardin à l’anglaise est plus exigeante pour la Direction générale, puisqu’elle a devant elle, selon les lieux et les métiers qui composent l’entreprise, des modes d’organisations différents. Mais la vie se passe effectivement dans ces organisations, et elle aura devant à elle le réel, et non pas une fiction uniforme
  • ” So what is a composable business, anyway? According to Robert LeBlanc, it’s one that takes an integrated, agile approach. It’s also one that is marked by continuous improvement of business processes and real-time, informed decision making via data and analytics.”

    tags: ibm composablebusiness

  • “Il s’agit là de beaucoup plus qu’une simple technologie au service marketing, il s’agit plutôt d’une nouvelle philosophie du marketing de l’incertain. Avec les Big Data, on agrège des signaux faibles, on accumule non pas de la certitude, mais de l’incertitude ; on pose des hypothèses au fur et à mesure que l’on vérifie, croise, corrige et ainsi de suite …”

    tags: bigdata marketing uncertainty uncertaintymarketing

    • out ceci est très perturbant, non seulement pour les marketeurs habitués aux bases de données traditionnelles (le client est un client, un champ est un champ, un alphanumérique est un alphanumérique etc.) mais aussi pour les professionnels du marketing habitués au déterminisme : « ma cible sont les jeunes de 25 ans urbains habitant à 10 km autour de Paris Â».
    • Avec le Big Data, le point de départ est l’incertitude, le questionnement, l’absence de preuve !  On n’en déduira des certitudes qu’ultérieurement.
    • Une des caractéristiques du Big Data, c’est qu’à un moment donné, ces données ne sont pas des données certaines. C’est-à-dire qu’on va avoir des informations qui sont tellement nombreuses et issues de tant de sources, que quand nous les combinons, nous arrivons à les rendre de plus en plus certaines
    • Gérer des données structurées ou non structurées : un nouveau paradigmeCes données non structurées nous fournissent des informations incertaines, qui sont plutôt des hypothèses, et ces hypothèses vont être corroborées par d’autres informations, pour pouvoir, à un moment donné nous fournir des indices sur le fait qu’on peut ou non les utiliser
    • Et quand on parle de données non structurées, l’un des types de données les plus captivants, c’est ce que l’on appelle le « sentiment Analysis Â» ou analyse de tonalité en français. C’est en fait l’analyse des opinions, car les quand on parle de réputation des marques de nos jours, on  parle aussi de présence des marques sur Internet, elles ont envie de savoir ce qu’on pense d’elles.
    • Par exemple en utilisant les détections de signaux faibles au travers des gens qui sont sur Internet et qui vont échanger entre eux, qui vont évoquer le fait qu’ils ont été malades. De ce fait on peut identifier un souci potentiel
    • La personne diabétique va être équipée d’un appareil qui permet de mesurer le taux de sucre dans son sang et qui va renvoyer l’information en temps réel vers un centre d’exploitation des données, et par dès la détection du problème chez ce diabétique, on va lui envoyer un mail, ou l’appeler au téléphone, envoyer des SMS, et s’il réagit pas, on va passer a l’étape suivante
    • Quand on regarde ce qui se passe aux États-Unis, où il y a toujours un petit temps d’avance par rapport à la France et à l’Europe, les grosses bases traditionnelles se font challenger par les architectures Big Data
    • il y aura du SQL, il y aura des bases traditionnelles ; c’est la combinaison qui sera intéressante,
  • “Martijn van der Zee, senior vice president of Air France–KLM for e-commerce, says that the volcano pushed KLM into new experiments with how it communicated with customers through social media. During the initial days and in the weeks afterwards, huge waves of customers began communicating with the company through Facebook and Twitter.”

    tags: klm customerservice socialmedia klout reputation influence

    • We do not take the Klout scores into consideration. We have them, but we made that mistake once. You don’t want a difference in wait times when a famous person has a complaint versus a person who only has two connections. The audience we have is very suspicious towards famous people getting treated differently. This is not our policy, because we know it will backfire on us.
    • We do not take the Klout scores into consideration. We have them, but we made that mistake once. You don’t want a difference in wait times when a famous person has a complaint versus a person who only has two connections. The audience we have is very suspicious towards famous people getting treated differently. This is not our policy, because we know it will backfire on us.
    • We do not take the Klout scores into consideration. We have them, but we made that mistake once. You don’t want a difference in wait times when a famous person has a complaint versus a person who only has two connections. The audience we have is very suspicious towards famous people getting treated differently. This is not our policy, because we know it will backfire on us.
    • The starting point was that ash cloud — the moment when the Icelandic volcano stopped us from flying for four days. And it wasn’t only us, but all major U.S. and European carriers across the Atlantic.
    • We had the situation where everybody wants to fly again, but 95% of seats are already taken.
    • That’s when people started to communicate with us in volume through Facebook and Twitter. That was the only way people could get through to us. We started to use Facebook and Twitter to give updates, which were very much appreciated. But, of course, when you give updates, people talk back.
    • We got comments like, “You’re the only ones helping and at least you’re informing us.” And then it changed into, “If you’re there giving us updates in the middle of the night, can’t you just help us? Because we’re stuck.”
    • The funny thing is that, after that kind of situation, you go back to normal
    • “Well, Martijn, you organized it during the ash cloud. I don’t care which department does it. We just have to organize and match it in the same way.”
    • And that’s when we came up with a very simple social business strategy. It’s really a one-pager. We say, okay, we have to work on three things: excellent service, the brand and reputation, and commerce — because somebody has to pay for it. It would be a bit naïve to only work on service and brands with no business model behind it. In the end, somebody has to pay for all the initiatives we have to do.
    • We’ve found that as long as your content is shareable and exciting, you see immediately a huge reach and viral effect.
    • We have a guarantee of responding within one hour on Facebook and Twitter 24/7 in 10 languages. We are working on expanding that to 14 languages. So you always get, in your own language, an answer within the hour. That’s the guarantee.
    • The average response time is half an hour. We are in contact with 30,000 people a week, which allows us to get the data from those people and to not only help them, but also to reach them in case of actions or other activities.
    • Our customer service people see everything on their screen
    • And the result is, we have now 130 people around the globe working on that. And it’s so popular, the service, that it’s still not enough.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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