Links for this week (weekly)

  • “Briser la logique pyramidale pour établir un modèle égalitaire : c’est le pari de l’holacratie. Avec à la clé, la promesse d’une organisation efficace et d’un meilleur engagement. “

    tags: manageent holacracy

    • L’holacratie propose une nouvelle structure de gestion du pouvoir qui remplace le système pyramidal né avec le taylorisme”
    • A la manière du corps humain ou d’une métropole, les organisations doivent pouvoir se passer d’un patron tout puissant censé tout régir.
    • tout commence par la définition des rôles : prospecter des clients, concevoir le site web, entretenir la cafetière… Ce n’est que dans un deuxième temps que ces rôles sont attribués à des personnes.
    • les services (et les chefs de service) disparaissent. Pour permettre le travail en commun, des “cercles” regroupent les rôles proches et partagent un même but
    • Les rôles ne sont plus affectés à des postes (“le recrutement est assuré par le DRH”), l’autonomie et la responsabilité se retrouvent accessibles à tous.
  • “Investi originellement par le marketing et le commercial, le big data s’invite dans toutes les autres sphères de l’entreprise, notamment les ressources humaines. Comment cette transformation est perçue par les professionnels de la fonction RH ?”

    tags: humanresources bigdata hranalytics

    • Le Big Data n’est pas du flicage

      Confidentialité et respect de la vie privée : voilà les maîtres mots. Les Ressources Humaines doivent insister sur le fait que les données ne sont pas traitées à titre individuel, mais collectif.
    • Issue des théories d’analyse du comportement du 19e et du 20e siècle chères aux psychologues et sociologues, l’étude statistique du comportement des salariés va devenir une norme pour les spécialistes RH.
    • Le Big Data n’est pas magique

      C’est de la Science… Humaine ! Ce n’est pas parce qu’une DRH analysera des myriades de données qu’elle sera forcément plus performante qu’une autre.
    • Se transformer en RH Digitale sans perdre sa responsabilité

      Si de plus en plus d’entreprises envisagent d’utiliser les technologies du Big Data pour améliorer la gestion de leurs Ressources Humaines, elles ne doivent pas s’arrêter au simple choix d’outils. Le développement des collaborateurs au service de l’entreprise restera toujours un débat contradictoire, opposant des arguments à court terme à des arguments à long terme, des arguments opérationnels à des arguments stratégiques
  • tags: management tasks productivity

  • “Technology can help companies adapt to today’s fast-changing landscape, but digital strategist Oscar Berg says firms also must develop a “communication culture” throughout the organization.”

    tags: collaboration communication culture

    • “This means organizations can’t do long, detailed planning. Instead they have to be prepared for change, to quickly adapt to new conditions and situation,” he said. “This is quite a challenge.”
    • The key to achieve this change, he said, is to embrace collaborative strategies and tools that reduce the constraints on employees
    • Technologies can help to reconnect those people, essentially neutralizing many of the disadvantages created by distance. “The basis here is to connect creative, talented and self-propelled people with each other, to connect them with a shared purpose, and to connect them with the knowledge and information they want and need.
    • How can you calculate the return on investment on social technologies and social business initiatives? “One way is to measure frequently occurring tasks that rely on these capabilities and then to estimate the increased efficiency and effectiveness at the task level if these capabilities are improved,
    • If we aren’t able to change the communication culture in our organizations, people will eventually abandon the tools we give them or at best they will use them in the way they used their old tools.”
  • “High human capital productivity — one key to great financial results — requires hiring the right people, teaming them effectively, and eliminating organizational barriers to high performance. It also requires paying close attention to how people in the organization interact. At many companies, they’re spending way too much time answering emails and attending unproductive meetings.”

    tags: meetings productivity metcalfslaw

    • Robert Metcalfe’s famous dictum states that the value of a network increases geometrically with the number of connected devices. One fax machine is worthless; a million fax machines create a valuable network. But the law has a dark side: as the cost of one-to-one and one-to-many interactions declines, the number of these interactions increases dramatically. And people are interacting more than ever.
    • As a result, most executives are spending 20 hours or more every week in meetings. And one meeting usually spawns many more. For example, my colleagues and I found that a single weekly executive committee meeting at a large company generated about 300,000 hours of preparation time each year (the equivalent of nearly 150 full-time-equivalent employees).
    • Don’t hold a meeting for the sake of holding a meeting
    • Manage the invite list. In many companies it’s bad form not to invite lots of people to a meeting.
    • Change the default time on meetings. Not too long ago, most companies called 30-minute meetings. Now the typical default time has grown to 60 minutes



        1. Improve the effectiveness of every meeting minute. You can boost meeting effectiveness through some simple disciplines. Clarify the purpose of every meeting. Spell out people’s roles in decisions. Create a decision log that captures every decision made in a meeting.
  • “Remember Toby Flenderson, the HR manager from “The Office?” He seems to represent most people’s idea of the human resources manager: a fairly quiet, passive person who seems to spend most of his time telling people what not to do.

    Toby represents the archetypal HR generalist: easy to be with, kind, but mostly hanging around to help people stay out of trouble. Is that the type of image we want associated with our profession? “

    tags: humanresources talentmanagement

    • High-impact HR professionals today are consultants first, HR professionals second. Yes they know a lot about HR practices and disciplines, but they operate as business consultants.
    •  High-Impact HR professionals are informed and up to date. Sadly, only 8% of the companies in our Global Human Capital Trends study have professional development programs for their own HR teams
    • Not only do we need HR to be more specialized, we need business partners to be more business-savvy. One CHRO just told me she was no longer hiring any HR professionals who don’t have background in statistics.
    • Our research shows that high-impact HR teams are Bold. Just like product development teams, they are innovative and creative. They try new things
    • And HR has to be technology savvy. New areas like Talent Analytics are revolutionizing the way we hire people, assess performance, and decide how to operate the business. New HR technologies are now highly integrated, letting the HR team see trends and insights like never before.
    • Finally, high-impact HR is highly interdisciplinary. Today every part of HR is connected to everything else.
  • “A l’avenir, Axa pourrait faire payer différemment chaque assuré en fonction de son comportement notamment les automobilistes.”

    tags: axa bigdata insurance fares health connectedobjects quantifiedself

    • « Pour l’instant, nous ne tarifons pas sur la base d’informations télématiques. Un jour, ce sera possible, mais il faudra que cela se fasse avec l’accord du client »,
    • En début de semaine, l’assureur avait déjà annoncé une opération commune avec Withings, le fabricant de bracelets connectés pour certains clients de son offre de complémentaire santé.
  • “By looking at the reasons behind enterprise social networking adoption in large corporations we can begin to understand why social business tools are not living up to their hype or potential. “

    tags: yammer enterprisesocialnetworks adoption socialbusiness microsoft

    • Therefore, a close look at Yammer’s approach may reveal why enterprise social networking is not delivering the genuine value large companies are seeking to make it worthwhile.
    • Executives are now looking to move past the almost “intangible” objectives that Yammer has historically been designed to address such as knowledge sharing and skills identification.
    • When considering outcomes, companies are seeking to solve Primal, Visionary and Operational Objectives. A Primal Objective could be the replacement of a current intranet and a Visionary Objective is a reduction in employee turn-over by improving employer of choice branding.
    • Operational Objectives however, represent the tasks that employees and management are facing on a day-to-day basis.
    • When approaching this retail franchise scenario from a technology implementation standpoint, the enterprise social networking tools may need to be modified or customized to ensure managers use the systems effectively.
    • Interestingly, most vendors operating within the cloud software industry would consider the words ‘customization’ and ‘cloud applications’ to be contradictory.
    • Microsoft is approaching the social business market by simply bundling Yammer into its enterprise agreements. While strategically sound for Microsoft, the net result is that their clients are being blind-sided by assuming they’ve entered the enterprise social networking revolution

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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