Links for this week (weekly)

  • Ram Charan’s recent column “It’s Time to Split HR” has created quite a stir. He argues that it’s the rare CHRO who can serve as a strategic leader for the CEO and also manage the internal concerns of the organization. Most CHROs, he says, can’t “relate HR to real-world business needs. They don’t know how key decisions are made, and they have great difficulty analyzing why people—or whole parts of the organization—aren’t meeting the business’s performance goals.“

    tags: humanresources

    • Ram Charan’s recent column “It’s Time to Split HR” has created quite a stir. He argues that it’s the rare CHRO who can serve as a strategic leader for the CEO and also manage the internal concerns of the organization. Most CHROs, he says, can’t “relate HR to real-world business needs. They don’t know how key decisions are made, and they have great difficulty analyzing why people—or whole parts of the organization—aren’t meeting the business’s performance goals.“


        I strongly believe that excellence in talent, leadership, and capability requires an outside-in not inside-out perspective. For talent, being outside-in means not being the employer of choice, but the employer of choice of employees customers would choose

    • Charan’s advocacy for a “talent” HR role actually limits the breadth of what HR can and should deliver. When HR professionals bring unique insights about talent, leadership, and capability to the senior management dialogue, they add enormous value.

      Charan’s recommendation for splitting HR into two groups raises two concerns. First, it offers a simplistic structural solution to the fundamental challenge of increasing HR’s value to the business. I am a little surprised that Charan, who is known for his integrated strategic approach to business, has reduced the HR challenge to a governance problem.

    • Second, advocating the separation of the HR function into two groups cannot be a blanket solution to HR governance. The structure of the HR department should be tied to the business structure (a centralized business should not have divided HR governance nor should a pure holding company). In diversified organizations HR departments should be run like professional services firms.
    • I suggest a holistic approach to helping the middle 60%. This includes redefining the strategy (outside-in) and outcomes (talent, leadership, and capability) for HR, redesigning the organization (department structure), innovating HR practices (people, performance, information, and work), upgrading the competencies for HR professionals, and focusing HR analytics on decisions more than data. It is not easy to move a profession forward.
  • “But, how many of us ask our customers to perform analogous tasks with layers of unnecessary friction because we’re simultaneously stuck in the framing of the past, and the inertia of the present? What if most activities in the world were like a trip to the DMV? Thankfully, most are not. These experiences highlight the pain of a poor experience.”

    tags: customerexperience IOE internetofverything bigdata mobile

    • How? There are six fundamental things that customers want:


      1. Know Me
       2. Be Relevant
       3. Be Competent
       4. Be Trustworthy
       5. Be Likable
       6. Be Available

    • 1. Know Me -> SENSORS EVERYWHERE


      Mobile phones increasingly have more sensors to better capture data about each individuals contex



      The amount of data available is overwhelming. Making sense of it is often impossible. But, some are having success in finding correlations – new clues that help peel back one more layer of onion skin.

    • 3. Be Competent -> AUGMENTED CAPABILITIES


      Competency reveals itself at the individual and organizational levels. Helping doctors make better assessments by augmenting their capabilities, helping customer service organizations respond faster and more accurately, drivers leveraging additional information and capabilities arguably will create better driver

    • 4. Be Trustworthy -> INCREASED TRANSPARENCY


      Embedded throughout this narrative are very potent arguments in favor of privacy and against omnipresent government and corporate actors that know everything. Trust is at the center of all of this. But the trajectory is pushing us all individually and institutionally towards transparency, whether we like it or not.

    • 5. Be Likable -> SIRI?


      Of all 6, here’s where the Internet of Everything’s story might be the weakest. Likability still seems largely reserved for human interaction.



      The original internet was a revolution in availability. Organizations discovered that having a website was a competitive advantage. For the first time, many companies now were at least partially available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Increased capability wrapped up in mobile technologies has enabled more people to be more available from anywhere at any time. Advances in artificial intelligence and machine to machine communication extend the opportunities for capabilities (answers, information, products) to be available in more places.

  • “Le Big Data est employé pour améliorer l’efficacité de l’organisation chez la banque Caixa, la première banque espagnole. Cela concerne la supervision des processus clés et des niveaux de service, la gestion des risques, la prévention de la fraude ou la recommandation de produits aux clients. C’est ce que décrit Luis Esteban Grifoll, Chief Data Officer de Caixa. “

    tags: bigdata bank casestudies caixa

    • Les processus clés sont supervisés, ils sont tracés via les niveaux de service. Le Big Data sert également à dimensionner correctement, à faire du « rightsizing Â», pour les forces de vente. La productivité et le « rightsizing Â» sont liés.
    • oui, nous avons développé des applications Big Data pour le commercial, la gestion du risque et la prévention de la fraude. Nous développons des applications Big Data afin d’améliorer la qualité pour nos clients, disposer d’outils pour la supervision de l’organisation, afin d’effectuer de meilleures recommandations de produits à nos clients, et mesurer nos niveaux de service
    • Elles permettent de superviser les agences,  nous n’avons pas besoin de les visiter afin de savoir comment les choses sont faites.
    • allez-vous utiliser les données issues des réseaux sociaux tells que Facebook, Linkedin ou les forums, concernant vos clients?
      Luis Esteban Grifoll : nous démarrons actuellement dans ce domaine. Au préalable, nous devons avoir l’autorisation des clients afin de nous conformer avec les lois sur la protection des données.
    • nous travaillons avec le service marketing comme avec les autres services de l’entreprise, idem pour la gestion de la relation avec ce service.
  • ” wrote those words in a DWG research paper called “Measuring Intranets” published in 2012. It seemed to strike a nerve. Metrics is an area that is always tough for intranet teams. You either don’t have good numbers or, when you do get numbers, you have no idea whether to trust them or even what they actually mean.”

    tags: metrics intranet statistics communication internalcommunication engagement employeeengagement

    • No longer the postman, Internal Communications teams are attempting to “win hearts and minds” and “increase engagement”.
    • If they didn’t see the content, you have no chance of achieving the communication goal. No eyeballs, no brain time. But even if you did get eyeballs, there is no proof that you got the benefit of what you wanted to achieve. It just means they glanced at it. Eyeballs yes, but perhaps nothing more than a glancing blow to the frontal cortex
    • Count the various reactions of the audience, pop it into a report and throw it at the CEO, back in time for tea and medals. Ummm… no. The reactions of the audience might not be bravos, they might well be boos


        Comments can be both positive and negative so a strict count of these to demonstrate “engagement” is a worthless measure of the sought benefit.


      Ultimately, measuring anything is fairly pointless unless you know why you are doing so. I

    • The best use of measurement is to figure out what you are going to do better next time, rather than as a way of justifying how great you are.
  • “Along with the explosion in data, a new C-level role has emerged–the chief data officer, or CDO.Gartner estimates that more than 100 CDOs currently work in mainly the financial services and government sector, while executive search firm Russell Reynolds predicts 50% of Fortune 500 companies will have a chief digital officer in place by 2015.”

    tags: data bigdata analytucs chiefanalyticsofficer chiefdataofficer c-suite

    • The CDO is focused on collection, storage, and management of data–and those in this role have laid the groundwork for a new era of discovery. However, the true value to the organization isn’t in the infrastructure. At Looker, we believe data is only strategic if it’s analyzed, understood, and actionable throughout the enterprise, so the value in all that data can be realized.
    • 1. Curates Big Data


      Big Data is only useful if they’re curated with focus and expertise. T

    • 2. Delivers Data into the Hands of the Individual


      The CAO fundamentally promotes user curiosity, guiding a provisioning strategy so that data is accessible by the people who need it–in all its glorious detail and at the precise moment of decision.

    • 3. Empowers Data Experts


      Getting data directly into the hands of the business user has a great side benefit–it frees the data people to work on more important discoveries.

    • 4. Cultivates a Discovery-Driven Organization


      With data analytics models and processes in place, the CAO can move the company to the next level, by creating a culture that’s driven by curiosity, deep investigation, and collaboration around data.

  • “While it’s spoken of highly in organizational life, it’s not something that necessarily comes easily. It may seem like a lovely, generous gesture of Dubai Airports to offer to provide customer-service training for so many other organizations’ employees, but the leaders from outside who bought into this collaborative processes had to weigh the costs of their employees’ time out of work to participate, and to trust Dubai Airports with training their teams in a way that would match their own organization’s values and objectives. To sustain the three-year collaborative process and achieve its goals, these leaders recognized the behaviors that would make it work. When it comes to collaborative leadership, these factors can drive success:”

    tags: collaboration leadership transparency casestudies dubaiairport

    • Focusing on interests rather than positions. As with negotiations and conflict resolution, one of the most important keys to successful collaborative leadership is focusing on interests rather than positions.
    • Being an agent and a target of influence. We spend a lot of time in leadership development helping professionals to have greater influence (i.e. be a more successful agent of influence). Rightly so, as influence (e.g. influencing people towards common goals) is at the core of what constitutes leadership. Of equal importance when it comes to collaborative leadership, is being prepared to be a target of others’ influence.
    • Having clear roles and responsibilities. Research has shown that where leaders are successfully leading together, they have a clear sense of who is responsible for what.
    • Sharing and acknowledging the credit. We know that acknowledging our own part in a problem, even if it’s taking only 5% of the blame, alleviates tension during conflict and leads to faster reconciliation.
    • Carving out space and time to collaborate – and a mission worthy of that effort. Too often in organizational life we know we’re meant to be collaborating and so try to squeeze it into our schedules when really we just want to get the pressing things on our to-do list done, or collaborate simply to the point of meeting our own immediate priorities.
  • “With millions of passengers traveling every day, millions making bookings, and more potential travelers scouring travel sites and airline sites for the best deals, a googol data points are gathered daily; where they are trapped in data Silos to age and perish—the gold they represent squandered.”

    tags: airlines bigdata mobile customerexperience nfc ibeacon

    • The reason for this waste is two-fold. Big Data at airlines is very big. IT departments at airlines, however, are not. Putting Big Data to work, allowing airlines to free that revenue from their silos, and improve the passenger experience, is such a big concept that many airlines have trouble figuring out where to start.
    • “Gathering the data is important,” Pelletier says. “But trying to bring that data together, and being able to use it to actively engage with the customer is the objective.”
    • This Big Data disconnect is responsible for many passenger pain-points: cumbersome and time-consuming flight searches to make reservations, lack of up-to-date flight information, delays, lost luggage.
    • “Travel is all about the context,” O’Brian says. “The context defines the experience. A data system needs to reflect an understanding of the benefits of that contextualized information.
    • You can tailor content on the IFE based on what you know the passenger wants, and what’s more you can do more frequent updates of content
    • After speaking to our experts it is clear that Big Data management is a matter of great urgency before aviation falls even further behind the service standards passengers receive in from other service providers and the expectations of personalization those other experiences set in those passengers as consumers.
    • Big Data gives a full view to airlines of passenger sales and customer service effectiveness,”
    • Airlines increasingly interact with passengers through their mobile apps as sales and booking interfaces, and are working on implementation of NFC-based and iBeacon-based transactions and wayfinding services–with the potential of producing yet more data to process.
    • O’Brian believes the greatest change necessary is one of corporate culture, an openness to a new way of looking at how information is gathered and exchanged.
    • As airlines do more to engage customers directly they need better data to make business decisions.”
  • “« Le Marketing Synchronisé » est rapidement devenu la référence du domaine, parce qu’il reprend, explique et illustre les principes du marketing digital que l’on trouve dans les livres classiques américains, dont les incontournables que je cite souvent ici (« The Cluetrain Manifesto », « Wikinomics », « the Intention Economy », « The Lean Startup », etc.). Mais il y a bien plus qu’une excellente synthèse, précisément parce qu’elle est nourrie par l’expérience. Tout comme « The Lean Startup », ce livre combine une réflexion très claire et structurée, avec des exemples multiples qui permettent de mieux comprendre, tout en amplifiant la crédibilité. “

    tags: marketing bigdata conversations cocreation experience customerexperience measurement customer ROI


       Le point de départ de la réflexion sur le consommateur numérique reste la formule choc du « Cluetrain manifesto Â» : « Markets are conversations Â». La relation client devient une conversation lorsqu’elle est respectueuse, à double sens, et alignée sur temps du client.
    • C’est un fait qui devrait faire réagir toute l’industrie : les gens n’aiment pas la pub.
    • Il faut savoir donner pour prendre
    • Une marque qui investit pour convaincre grâce à la pertinence est donc une marque à la fois authentique et respectueuse du consommateur, deux facteurs clés de succès à l’ère digitale 
    • Ce qui a changé dix ans plus tard est la capacité technologique à utiliser les données client disponibles pour créer et nourrir ces opportunités de conversation
    • une campagne peut maintenant se comporter comme un organisme vivant.
    • L’intelligence client est sans aucun doute la bataille la plus importante de l’ère digitale
    • La thèse principale était que le marketing est bien plus efficace si l’on demande la permission au consommateur de lui parler, ce qui est aujourd’hui possible en utilisant le digital 
    • On parie sur la force du contenu mis Ã  disposition pour que les consommateurs se passent l’information entre eux par e-mail, via Facebook ou tout simplement par le bouche-à-oreille.
    • Le concept de « experience co-creation with customer Â» est au cÅ“ur du best-seller de C.K. Prahalad et V. Ramaswami (2004). Ce concept se décline à la fois sur le long terme, pour créer des produits (c’est le cÅ“ur du lean startup) et sur le court-terme, quand il s’agit de campagnes de marketing et de communication.
    • « Les ingénieurs qui ne comprennent pas qu’ils contribuent à créer des expériences utilisateur sont condamnés à changer de métier
    •  La plupart des créatifs qui travaillent en agence vous le diront, les clients tuent les idées.
    •  Les marques sont mondiales, l’expérience qu’elles offrent est locale.
    • La dernière partie de ce billet traite d’un sujet qui est devenu banal, mais dont la pratique n’est pas encore banalisée. Il s’agit de l’optimisation par la mesure
    • dans un monde de plus en plus complexe, le Trial and Error est la solution aux problèmes de modèles, et ce qui freine l’adoption de cette démarche est le God Complex, ou le sentiment des décideurs et des entreprises qu’ils peuvent et doivent avoir juste du premier coup»
    •  Mais la mesure ne sert à rien si elle ne permet pas de réagir, de piloter 
    • Le ROI (Return on Investment) d’une campagne de marketing synchronisé ne se planifie pas,  il se mesure et il s’optimise.
    • l faut faire et dans l’action, dans l’interaction avec les consommateurs, les marques apprennent, deviennent plus expertes, plus justes 
    • « La stratégie, la création et l’exécution sont devenues une seule et même chose, avec un seul arbitre : le feedback consommateur qu’est la performance mesurée Â». 
  • tags: digitalworkplace bureaucracy

  • “Par la faute de notre esprit technologue et d’une mauvaise traduction de certains thèmes américains, nous Français confondons le numérique avec la technologie. Cela n’a rien à voir. Une entreprise numérique est une entreprise en hyper croissance et qui actionne tous les leviers pour le rester. C’est la vision de Nicolas Colin, inspecteur des finances. Dans ce sens, les opérateurs télécoms ne sont pas des entreprises numériques. “

    tags: nicolascolin technology digital growth

    • « En France, on vit sur un grand malentendu, on confond le numérique avec de la technologie » prévient-il. L’usage massif de technologies numériques ne fait pas l’entreprise numérique, martèle-t-il. On utilisait déjà le numérique avant même l’arrivée d’internet.
    • Les entreprises numériques croissent beaucoup plus vite, innovent à un rythme sans pareil, et finissent toujours par l’emporter dans la bataille pour le positionnement dans la chaîne de valeur et dans la bataille des marges,
    • « Les Américains appellent une entreprise numérique, une Tech Company, c Â»est un faux ami, on a tendance à se dire que Tech veut dire Technologie, et nous Français on se réjouit car on est très forts en technologies. En réalité, la technologie a très peu d’importance dans tout ça, une Tech Company c’est une entreprise innovante, Â»
    • et puis, les Américains parlent de Software Company. C‘est pour suggérer ce cocktail extraordinaire entre la technologie, le design, la culture de l’expérience utilisateur, l’agilité, la culture des hackeurs, etc.» En France, on ne sait pas traduire cela, et on pense entreprise logicielle
    • une entreprise numérique, c’est une entreprise qui n’a pas d’autre choix que d’être toujours en hyper croissance pour repousser l’assaut des concurrents. Systématiquement la croissance est favorisée par rapport aux marges. Et c’est cette hyper croissance qui explique le recours massif au logiciel, à l’alliance systématique avec les startups, le déploiement des plateformes, les effets de réseau qu’on essaie d’installer dans les applications, via l’effet communautaire. C’est l’hyper croissance qui fait les entreprises numériques. »
  • ” These norms should be given back to the commons, with equal rights, obligation and benefits for all parties in the data-ecosystem, from providers of services and products, to data-intermediaries, and including the end-users.”

    tags: facebook sharing data privacy

    • There should be limitations on what vendors can do with our data and public scrutiny on the rules by which we are judged by our data.
    • Today, people are not really involved in the data collection that is what is wrong. The consent model is broken. We need to re-build trust with our consumers beyond consent at data collection.
    • With VRM users get the tools to decide what data they want to share with whom in what particular transaction context. In other words, the opposite of CRM
    • We are not only becoming data slaves of those siren servers, but we are also becoming slaves of their invisible algorithms.
    • We are in urgent need of finding a new balance between privacy, transparency, shelter, censorship, propaganda, governance, regulation, oversight, surveillance, co-veillance, sous-veillance, trust and even human intimacy.
    • The key insight was that we are at a tipping point in the transition from centralized to decentralized to fully distributed models, architectures, topologies and the associated shifts in power.
    • We are evolving towards infrastructure that is owned by the nodes, owned by the commons.
    • it is not about what we want to hide, but what we want to share 

      Today, people are not really involved in the data collection that is what is wrong. The consent model is broken. We need to re-build trust with our consumers beyond consent at data collection.

    • I believe we are all in an identity crisis. A crisis between nature and technology, a crisis between capitalism and collaboration, a crisis between big data and intuition, and finally a crisis between influencer seduction and our own solo voice.
    • I think we are moving from marketing a product/service to users intent-casting their needs. I believe we are evolving towards a new set of Trust Frameworks for peer-to-peer data sharing. I believe that – like already the case in some cryptocurrencies – we will need to provide the users the possibility of a “scaling” their data sharing, controlled and “tuned-on-a-scale” by the user.
    • In summary, the biggest revolution in my opinion is the advent of peer-to-peer network topologies and business models. We are moving from a centralized to a fully distributed model, with a new type of architecture, a new business model, new governance, and even a new meta-morality, where it is not good enough anymore to do what is legal but to do what is ethically right.
  • “This research suggests that, by investing in relationships, workforce and business performance becomes more optimistic and productive. The results of this study are available in its first wave as a comprehensive infographic (download it here…see below).”

    tags: relationshipeconomics engagement

  • “Changing technologies, client expectations, competition and an evolving market environment have forced business process outsourcers to adapt. Here’s what you need to know.”

    tags: digitaltransformation consulting

      • Digital Transformation will rewrite the underlying economics for services firms.

      • Digital Transformation will become embedded in every conversation

      • Digital Transformation requires us to fix many of our old problems before we can realize its promise.

      • Digital Transformation requires us to look beyond the obvious in what new technologies offer.

      • Digital transformation requires us to look for new insight among existing processes and tools.
    • Operations leaders don’t have the luxury of ten-year improvement programs anymore – corporate leadership expects to see tangible results in much shorter time frames.
    • This is why 49 percent of today’s enterprise buyers expect to move to a “wide-scale transformation of business processes enabled by new technology tools/platforms”
    • Digital is not really about digitizing the way we’ve always done things, it’s about digitizing the way things need to be done to be more competitive and effective in the future.
  • “As social media is becoming more prevalent, and people and companies are using it to make purchasing and hiring decisions, the role of social eminence is becoming critical”

    tags: eminence influence personalbranding

    • If you don’t work on building your own eminence, you will be beaten in the market by someone who does.
    • My antennae is finely tuned to suspect those that have tell me that they’re influential – aren’t really influential or eminent.
    • They are really only influential because they work hard at maintaining their Klout score, and running multiple twitter accounts to pump up their follower scores – it makes them noisy not eminent in my view.
    • Real influence and real eminence comes from other people saying “this person really knows what they’re talking about”
    • In the business world, your eminence doesn’t come from the number of followers you have or your position on the “Forbes influencer list” (don’t get me started on this topic..), it comes from the view of your customer, or prospective customer about your value to them
  • “One month on from the highly anticipated release of Google Glass in the UK, there are a raft of opportunities for augmented reality in the workplace”

    tags: augmentedreality googleglass privacy wereable connectedobjects

    • Wearable technologies are really a subset of sensor-based products, bound together by the premise that we will be carrying them on our person in an active way, meaning we won’t have to constantly keep track of them like we do phones or tablets. 
    • Wearable technologies are really a subset of sensor-based products, bound together by the premise that we will be carrying them on our person in an active way, meaning we won’t have to constantly keep track of them like we do phones or tablets. 
    • With ideal connectivity and supporting infrastructure, the technology offers the ability to search and display any information that’s available to the enterprise right in the eye-view of a worker.
    • However, even with consumer willingness to put up with privacy invasions, most would find these situations somewhat less than natural
    • This means developing business processes, policy and compliance to seek consent where possible, and doing everything possible to prevent misuse of the technology.
    • Wearable technology such as Google Glass is the next step in that process, which can add much more context, real time information and personalisation, with minimum user effort.
  • “Being successful at CRM today builds upon yesterday’s internal operational efficiencies and extends the power of these solutions to better support customers through their end-to-end engagement journey to garner their satisfaction and long term loyalty – an “outside-in” perspective. Modern CRM strategies enable good customer experiences. They support customer interactions with one another over a range of social, digital and mobile channels. How? By leveraging the vast amounts of interaction and transaction data to deliver contextual experiences that add value to the customer, and preserve the value of the company brand.”

    tags: crm customerexperience customerengagement integration

    • 1) Align your CRM strategy with your customer experience strategy. Uber does this right.  Their customer experience is journey is streamlined for minimum friction.
    • 2) Focus CRM outcomes on revenue uplift, not operational efficiencies. Don’t focus on intricate cost-based justifications for CRM – focus on business outcomes which quantify the value of driving higher levels of revenue and company profitability
    • 3) Leverage CRM to support the end-to-end customer journey. Customers are increasingly impatient as they engage with companies

      4) Deeply personalize engagement. Customer experiences must be deeply personalized, based on explicit and implicit feedback about customer needs and preferences

    • 5) Extend CRM by leveraging integrations. Welcome to the Internet of Things. With modern services and standardized APIs, it’s easy to use lighter-weight CRM solutions, or best-in-breed applications, allowing organizations to purchase just what they need and integrate it into a larger technology ecosystem,
    • 6) Engage users simply.  Face it, most people hate using CRM, as data entry and retrieval is hard to do. CRM success demands role-based, simplified user interfaces. User experiences should be task-based and map to common processes
  • “Thomke maintains that innovative managers looking to create successful new products or services can benefit from the practices that magicians like Randal follow:”

    tags: innovation magician

    • ake time to understand the real problem that needs to be solved
    • Figure out how to solve the problem.
    • Find a way to hide the solution.
    • Sell the experience.
    • “When you are experimenting, you are going to fail along the way. It’s part of the process,”
    • “When you’re delivering a service, people will respond in very different ways. You have to be prepared.
    • Imagine that Apple takes over your company. What would it change? “One good question can allow you to look from the outside in. By asking the right questions, you can get amazing solutions.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Head of People and Business Delivery @Emakina / Former consulting director / Crossroads of people, business and technology / Speaker / Compulsive traveler

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