An Index to Measure Success in Enterprise Collaboration
“I’m convinced it can and actually it should. That’s why together with Stefano Besana, we have put together the Social Collaboration Index, a readiness score based on 8 dimensions that can be applied both to individual organizations and entire industries:”
“THE way we’re working isn’t working. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a job, you’re probably not very excited to get to the office in the morning, you don’t feel much appreciated while you’re there, you find it difficult to get your most important work accomplished, amid all the distractions, and you don’t believe that what you’re doing makes much of a difference anyway. By the time you get home, you’re pretty much running on empty, and yet still answering emails until you fall asleep.
Increasingly, this experience is common not just to middle managers, but also to top executives.”
Architecture Organisationnelle: Six Principes pour l’Entreprise 3.0
“Je travaille pour instant sur une liste de six principes généraux (avec pas mal de substance autour de chacun) qui me semble couvrir l’essentiel de cette nouvelle forme d’organisation, mais c’est un choix personnel, sur lequel je reviendrai dans un prochain billet. Autrement dit, ces 6 principes ne couvrent pas tout ce qui s’écrit sur le sujet des entreprises « libérées », « exponentielles », « en réseau », « l’holacratie », le « beta-codex », etc. mais seulement le sous-ensemble auquel j’adhère par ce qu’il est consistant avec mon expérience personnelle.”
Une vision unique, comprise et partagée par tous, distribué à tous les composants de l’entreprise
Cette vision passe par le co-développement avec le client d’une expérience qui lui apporte une véritable satisfaction. C’est bien sur le message central du Lean Startup :
Ce co-développement est assuré par un réseau d’équipes autonomes et cross-fonctionnelles.
Le « control & command » est remplacé par « recognition & response »,
- L’entreprise 3.0 s’inscrit dans un écosystème de partenaires, autour d’une vision précise de sa mission pour son client.
- L’entreprise 3.0 est anti-fragile car elle apprend continûment des changements de son environnement
Digital Priorities for the C-Suite in 2015
“Another year is upon us, even as many of us still seek to complete our digital priorities from 2014. For most CEOs and COOs — and especially CIOs/CDOs — 2015 will be a particularly interesting one as it’s largely a transition year for enterprise tech, making it challenging to jump to the next wave of innovations, often without yet being able to declare success with the previous ones. However, technology change waits for no company, and the pace of evolution continues to pick up.”
Internet of Things – No, it’s the Internet of Services
“Right now your home is well on its way to becoming a ‘Service’ that supports your life style. Sure, this is done through a number of Internet of Things, IoT, devices, but individually as ‘things’ they don’t add the same value as they do collectively as a ‘service’. In fact its arguable as individual ‘things’ they add confusion and complexity, whereas integrated together they provide simplicity and value as to how well your home can support your lifestyle.”
Once again it’s the consumers and their use of consumer technology that is driving the pace! BUT its not the ‘Things’ that are providing the value individually, it’s the integration of a number of IoT Devices into ‘Services’ that comprehensively answer a particular requirement area.
INTTT uses ‘triggers’, inputs from IoT devices, with scripts called ‘recipes’ to provide the predetermined automation of responses
A successful Digital Business will need to combine ‘awareness’ of events from IoT with ‘social media’ interactions to understand opportunities arising in the market place.
The ability to choose how to manage your home as an Internet based ‘Service’ that both senses, and responses, to your lifestyle rather than as a set of disparate connected IoT ‘Things’ is now a reality for many consumers. Consumers once again proving to be the driving force in adoption in the shift from ‘Internet of Things’ to integration with added value by the ‘Internet of Services’.
A thousand IoT ‘things’ might provide, or add to, the mountain of Big Data, but to create Services with real value to a user means hiding the Internet of Things complexity, and substituting an Internet of Services that focuses on and delivers the required business value from the Internet of Things by incorporating valuable information.
The realization that it is the Internet of Things that ‘senses’ and that is linked to responses through value creating ‘Services’ seems slow to be realized, probably because Internet of Things growth has not yet hit the IT department. Most important of all is the realization that Digital Businesses will be competing in an ‘Internet of Services’ that use Big Data as a significant of an Enterprise’s ability to use its acquired experience for competitive advantage.