How to Manage Talented People by Not Bossing Them Around
Getting rid of managers may seem like just another tech trend, but much of the skepticism around going “bossless†or flat is due to misleading terminology. We don’t quite have a good vocabulary for it yet — no managers doesn’t mean no management, and flat structure doesn’t mean everyone has equal sway.
Getting rid of managers may seem like just another tech trend, but much of the skepticism around going “bossless†or flat is due to misleading terminology. We don’t quite have a good vocabulary for it yet — no managers doesn’t mean no management, and flat structure doesn’t mean everyone has equal sway.
hey tend to be decentralized and dynamic rather than static and top-down.
John Bunch, one of the leaders overseeing the adoption of holocracy at Zappos describes the new system as a redistribution of influence and power that allows for clarity of expectations in roles and decision-making:
“[d]istribution of accountability and authority, taken together, enable something very powerful: distributed leadership.â€
1. Manage people, not tasks, by setting them up to succeed
2. Make information available
3. Harness the power of the network
“L’école de 2050 ne va plus gérer les savoirs, mais les cerveaux”
“Notre chroniqueur s’interroge sur l’école du futur. Montée en puissance de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), démocratisation des MOOC, percée des technologies transhumanistes et techniques d’amélioration du QI… En quoi la technologie va-t-elle modifier notre accès au savoir ?”
Seuls les citoyens les plus intelligents et les plus innovants auront un travail dans un monde ou l’IA dépassera l’intelligence humaine
’école de 2015 est aussi archaïque que la médecine de 1750 : elle n’a quasiment pas évolué en deux cent cinquante ans.
Demain, les MOOC seront personnalisés en fonction de nos caractéristiques neurobiologiques, cognitives et génétiques. L’iTunes de l’éducation est à inventer.
À partir de 2040, il va être possible, grâce aux NBIC, d’augmenter les capacités intellectuelles de la population. L’amélioration cérébrale sera d’abord une nécessité économique, pour rester compétitif face aux automates intelligents.
l’ère numérique, la corrélation entre intelligence et réussite est plus forte que jamais. Dans ces conditions, les inégalités d’intelligence, aujourd’hui acceptées par la force des choses, seront demain insupportables.
How is Digital Disruption affecting the Retail Industry? |
“It has been 15 years since the introduction of eCommerce and mobile shopping is well underway with mainstream consumers. With fast changing behaviors and high demands of consumers, retailers are utilizing technology to help satisfy their customers, however, they are still trying to figure out how to best use technology while providing a superior customer experience. They continue to struggle with the adoption of digital tools both online and in-store, integrating systems and inventory for a seamless experience.”
“Its almost a constant testing ground with the consumer of what is available from a technology perspective and how fast we can think: What is the value proposition for the consumer, who is now very much in control of the brand and shopping experience?â€
Many industries see technology as a huge expense versus an investment, with retail being on top.
But as I said before, many retailers are having problems being able to adapt to this technological age and the pace that is required to stay competitive. There are a few factors that could be contributing to their struggle:
The cost associated with replacing current systems with omnichannel systems is expensive
Retailers have traditionally been led by their merchants and products. With the rise of technology and the connected customer, retailers have had to change the focus of their strategy and marketing from brand and imagery focused to customer-centric.
While retailers are trying to keep up, shoppers are out-maneuvering them and outpacing them with their expectations. A recent study done by Mindshare shows that many consumers are “gaming†(using various tricks) to outsmart online retailers.
An example of this occurs when consumers have intentionally abandoned their carts to get the retailer to engage them by retargeting them with an offer, discount, and/or promotions to actually close the sale.
Jeff Bezos Says He Wouldn’t Work at That Company Either | Gigaom Research
“This weekend, the NY Times published a long piece that described an Orwellian Amazon, where employees rat each other out for apparent infractions of corporate norms of conduct, and where a relentless obsession with operational progress and expansion supposedly trumps other principles and culminates in ‘purposeful Darwinism’, where those that can’t keep up the pace — or who are saddled with illness, child-rearing, or other personal demands on their time — are quickly edged out.”
he Amazon leadership principles that I believe make sense across the board today, and not just at Amazon.
. I buy Bezos’ vision for the aggressive mindset often called ‘strong opinions, weakly held’, which means that we should advance our perspective forcefully, looking for the best solution to problems, and to avoid compromise for the sake of consensus. But when new information is presented — data, mind you, not just more opinions — we should reconsider our premises, and change our minds when warranted.
This principle — which requires active argumentation to get to better solutions — can be a painful and trying experience for those not grounded in the practice of impersonal, data-centered argument.
Amazon isn’t a single, homogenous company. It’s thousands of variants of the core Amazon, each one different in small or large ways, based on the experiences, backgrounds, and aspirations of those working there
But the operational principles of Amazon — like Netflix, Apple, and the other world-beating, high performing giants of our century — are starkly at variance with the business and social tenets of the larger society. That’s part of — and maybe most of — the reason that these companies are disruptive, and are defining the new world we are careening into.
On the contrary, it is inevitable that the deep cultural change necessary for digital transformation of business will change us all, even if we aren’t working at one of those companies.
Chrono Flex renvoie l’organigramme aux oubliettes, Actualité des PME
“Tels sont les signes extérieurs de « l’entreprise libérée », concept auquel l’entreprise s’est convertie en 2010. « On a engagé un grand nettoyage des signes de pouvoirs et de l’égo », explique Alexandre Gérard. Exit le bureau du patron ou les places de parking attribuées. Ce changement ne fut pas simple pour le patron qui s’est initié au « lâcher prise », sous l’égide d’un coach.”
« Aujourd’hui, je passe 70 % de mon temps à partager et accompagner les autres entreprises. »
J’ai compris que je gérais l’entreprise pour les 3 % de salariés qui trichent et qui ne respectent pas les règles… je réagissais par la contrainte, les notes de service ou la sanction, sans me rendre compte que je mettais le reste des salariés en prison, ce qui privait l’entreprise de son intelligence collective. »
Six mois plus tard, c’est l’intéressement qui est remis à plat avec la règle toujours en vigueur, des « 3 fois 15% », impliquant une redistribution de 15 % du résultat d’exploitation par véhicule d’intervention, de 15 % sur celui des équipes et de 15 % sur la marge globale de l’entreprise
The Gig Economy Is Real If You Know Where to Look
“A number of reports in recent weeks have stressed that employment effects of the so-called gig economy—contract workers on software platforms such as Uber and AirBnB—have been overstated. At minimum, these reports indicate, any increase in gig economy employment hasn’t shown up in the aggregate statistics—at least not yet anyway.”
I found a substantial rise in collaborative economy “gigs†between 2009 (when uptake began) and 2013 (the latest year data are available). I also found that more gigs haven’t been accompanied by fewer workers on payroll, at least so far.
despite the attention the contractor status of these workers has received—including by leading Presidential hopefuls—software platform companies are not the first to take this approach
there are clear growth surges in nonemployer firms in each of the two industries associated with passenger ground transit between 2010 (when Uber launched in San Francisco) and 2013, and in the two industries linked with traveler accommodation from 2009 (the year AirBnB opened).
Second, we do not see declines in payroll employment in the same industries during this period.
Future analysis will need to look more closely at the net effects of the gig economy on employment—and on wages—as well as the impact that a broader and potentially harder-to-measure range of platform services,
It’s important to remember that these platforms are very new and that good data usually comes with a time lag
“Marketing technology management has an irresistible temptation to act like a hammer looking for a nail because it’s easy. If you thought the marketing technology landscape is exploding and getting disrupted each day, adding to the chaos, marketing technology management is an even bigger beast. That’s where you develop an art to apply these technologies and aspire to create connected, seamless consumer experiences.”
Identify the business problem(s) preventing you from making money
What is the consumer behavior that is creating that business problem?
What data and technologies can I bring on to solve these business problems? You use these three steps first to identify your key
- Does this live in isolation? Does it need to connect back with rest of the ecosystem?
Finally, how do I measure the success?