Les indicateurs de performance de votre digitalisation | Digitaliser son entreprise
“Mais quelque soit le choix que vous effectuez, vous avancez et vous commencez à prendre l’attitude d’un véritable startuper. Tant que vous respectez l’atteinte d’un des trois objectifs fondateurs de la digitalisation, tout ira bien.”
Le premier est de vous rapprocher de la philosophie présentée par Jeff Bezos de Amazon : « la valeur est dans votre capacité à anticiper les besoins clients »
Le second est d’insuffler la stratégie des Gafa dans votre entreprise en suivant leur raisonnement : « la valeur est de servir vos clients, pas de vendre vos produits »
le troisième est de mieux connaitre vos clients pour utiliser cette connaissance pour améliorer votre capacité à répondre aux deux objectifs précédents : « la valeur est dans la connaissance de vos clients »
Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
“For all the jobs that machines can now do — whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food — they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social skills.”
The findings help explain a mystery that has been puzzling economists: the slowdown in the growth even of high-skill jobs. The jobs hit hardest seem to be those that don’t require social skills, throughout the wage spectrum.
Yet to prepare students for the change in the way we work, the skills that schools teach may need to change. Social skills are rarely emphasized in traditional education.
Preschool classrooms, Mr. Deming said, look a lot like the modern work world. Children move from art projects to science experiments to the playground in small groups, and their most important skills are sharing and negotiating with others. But that soon ends, replaced by lecture-style teaching of hard skills, with less peer interaction
Work, meanwhile, has become more like preschool.
“If it’s just technical skill, there’s a reasonable chance it can be automated, and if it’s just being empathetic or flexible, there’s an infinite supply of people, so a job won’t be well paid,†said David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It’s the interaction of both that is virtuous.â€
The extent to which jobs required social skills grew 24 percent between 1980 and 2012, he found, while jobs requiring repetitive tasks, like garbage collecting, and analytical tasks that don’t necessarily involve teamwork, like engineering, declined.
Someday, nearly all work could be automated, leaving humans to revel in never-ending leisure time. But in the meantime, this research argues, students should be prepared for the actual world of work. Maybe high schools and colleges should evaluate students the way preschools do — whether they “play well with others.â€
“JP Nicols, a veteran from the banking sector, has spent twenty years in the space. For the past eight years, his work has been at the intersection of banking and fintech. In this interview, Nicols shares his perspectives on the transformation of the banking sector.”
It is not that Kodak was unaware of digital photography, in fact they were actually pioneers of the technology. However, they failed to get the company focused on how digital innovations in the industry were changing customer behaviors.
Social innovation is the concept of getting people involved throughout the organization, in the process of innovation
What if, out of your hundred ideas, we could tell you which two you should try first – based on market place positioning, your customers and your probability for success. These are the algorithms we are building and testing.
The focus for many since the crisis has been on standardizing and improving internal processes and quantifying and reducing risks, and not enough banks have been truly focused on taking care of the customer
Data from social media, merchants, and transactions is readily available to banks. They can create buyer personas around their customers
Most merchants are pretty proprietary about that data, but a strong partnership that combines merchant purchase data with banks’ income and other data would create even deeper insights to provide a more intimate customer experience.
Successful banks are going to be more like technology companies.
Banks that were built in the era of brick and mortar either have to upgrade themselves, or risk being burnt to the ground.
Will The Collaborative Economy Completely Reimagine Tomorrow’s Big Business?
“Today, the largest car rental and hospitality companies are Uber and Airbnb, respectively. What do they have in common? Let’s see — neither of them own physical possessions associated with their service, and both have turned a non-performing asset into an incredible revenue source.”
People want to rent instead of own, and at the same time, they want to monetize whatever they have in excess. This is the core of the sharing economy
The sharing economy, or the collaborative economy, as it’s also called, is “an economic model where technologies enable people to get what they need from each other—rather than from centralized institutions,
Millennials definitely play a role. Their love for everything on-demand, plus their frugal mindset, makes them ideal for the sharing economy.
Today, traditional businesses are participating in a collaborative economy in different ways
With companies looking to find temporary resources that can meet the fast-changing demands of the business, freelancers could replace a large chunk of full-time professionals in future. Why? Because at the heart of this disruptive practice lies the concept of sharing human resources.
The collaborative economy is not going anywhere as long as our priorities are built around better, faster, more efficient and cost-effective.
Taking the measure of the networked enterprise | McKinsey & Company
New research shows that power users reap the greatest benefits from social technologies.”-
Using modeling techniques, we found that 35 percent of the companies had adopted social technologies in response to their adoption by competitors. Copycat behavior was also responsible for their diffusion within organizations, though at a slightly lower rate: 25 percent of all employee usage.
We found that the companies we identified as power users reported an incremental 5 percent in value added in 2010 and of up to 6.5 percent in 2014.
the incremental value from social technologies appears to be as large as it was from computers in the 1990s and, more recently, from technologies linked to big data.6
Yet the growing popularity of mobile and cloud technologies, as well as the Internet of Things (see “An executive’s guide to the Internet of Thingsâ€), could alter the pattern in the future. Companies placing bets should consider how these technologies will interact with Enterprise 2.0 tools and potentially multiply their impact
General Electric is ending annual performance reviews – Quartz
“GE got rid of formal, forced ranking around 10 years ago. But now, GE’s in the middle of a far bigger shift. It’s abandoning formal annual reviews and its legacy performance management system for its 300,000-strong workforce over the next couple of years, instead opting for a less regimented system of more frequent feedback via an app. For some employees, in smaller experimental groups, there won’t be any numerical rankings whatsoever.”
The company got rid of formal, forced ranking around 10 years ago. But now, GE’s in the middle of a far bigger shift. It’s abandoning formal annual reviews and its legacy performance management system for its 300,000-strong workforce
With the decision, GE joins other high-profile companies—like Microsoft, Accenture, and Adobe—that have started dumping or have already gotten rid of formal annual reviews.
That economic reality led to obsessions with cost, efficiency, and operational excellence, which were embodied in Welch’s management style.
But his style and focus on the annual performance review simply doesn’t work for the company or its younger workforce any more, say GE human resources executives.
“I think some of it to be really honest is millennial based. It’s the way millennials are used to working and getting feedback, which is more frequent, faster, mobile-enabled, so there were multiple drivers that said it’s time to make this big chang
Yes, I realize that some believe the bell-curve aspect of differentiation is ‘cruel,’†Welch wrote. “That always strikes me as odd. We grade children in school, often as young as 9 or 10, and no one calls that cruel. But somehow adults can’t take it? Explain that one to me.â€
“Command and control is what Jack was famous for. Now it’s about connection and inspiration,†Krishnamoorthy recently told a group of HR executives at a conference at the campus.
The new app is called “PD@GE†for “performance development at GEâ€
The focus isn’t on grading how well people are doing, but on constant improvement.
But this is just the tool. The most important thing is the conversation. [The app] makes it incumbent on me to be a coach.â€
Managers will still have an annual summary conversation with employees around December where they look back at the year and set goals, but it’s far less consequential and fraught than the formal review the company is replacing.
The shift in how GE employees think about and track their performance mirrors the broader transition underway at the company to substantially simplify its business
Years of research, from both business school professors and neuroscientists, has found that the practice is ineffective at boosting performance, actively alienates employees, is based on a flawed understanding of human motivation, and is often arbitrary and biased. People simply don’t fit neatly (pdf) on a bell curve.
Because why did performance ratings come into existence? So there’s some mechanism to force pay decisions. People wonder, which came first the rating or the pay decision.â€
In early pilots, the company saw no difference in pay differentiation when managers didn’t use ratings
One thing I will give them credit for, going back to Jack and continuing to today, is that they’ve clearly defined a star employee as someone who does great work and who helps others succeed as well.
Procurement Gets Collaborative [INFOGRAPHIC]
“Recent research by Oxford Economics shows that most procurement executives and practitioners are in fact observing an increase in collaboration at their own procurement organization. What’s interesting is how this collaboration is taking place, in concrete terms. Over half of the executives and practitioners surveyed say:”
- Procurement data is being used strategically across the organization
- Suppliers increasingly contribute new ideas for marketing and product design
- Suppliers are helping us transform our business model
It could require procurement working hand-in-hand with finance, like Verizon does to optimize supply chain financing.
“Le mois dernier je suis intervenu auprès d’une société sur le thème de la transformation digitale. La journée se passait plus bien jusqu’à ce que le directeur invite les chefs de service à s’exprimer. Spontanément, c’est le responsable de la vente en ligne qui a pris la parole pour s’exprimer, au grand soulagement des autres. Sur le coup, j’ai été très frustré que l’atelier prenne cette tournure, car je soupçonne ce témoignage d’avoir été extrêmement contre-productif.”
a vente en ligne est ainsi une activité très visible que les entreprises exhibent comme preuve de leur modernité.
Personne ne peut démentir le succès de Voyages-SNCF, en revanche, cette filialisation n’a t-elle pas ralenti la transformation de la maison mère
il est tout à fait possible de vendre en ligne sans rien changer à son organisation ou ses méthodes de travail.
Pour bien comprendre l’ensemble des bénéfices de la transformation digitale, je vous invite à (re)lire le rapport Lemoine :développer de nouveaux canaux de distribution, effectivement, mais également développer sa visibilité sur de nouveaux canaux de communication, toucher de nouveaux clients, baisser les coûts de production et de transaction, bénéficier de nouveaux actifs issus des données, améliorer la performance du travail, du capital, de l’énergie et des matières premières… Bref, la transformation digitale est un chantier qui touche tous les métiers de l’entreprise.
C’est en transformant le coeur de l’organisation que vous pourrez bénéficier du véritable potentiel du numérique : gain de productivité, baisse des coûts, agilité…
- Communication (nouveaux canaux, nouvelles cibles) ;
- Marketing (meilleure connaissance des clients, prospects, concurrents) ;
- Production (automatisation, surveillance, anticipation…) ;
- Ventes (meilleure gestion des leads et du portefeuille client) ;
- Relation client (meilleure réactivité, nouveaux canaux relationnels) ;
- RH (meilleur sourcing et gestion des candidats, formations en ligne) ;
- Comptabilité (dématérialisation, optimisation de la chaine de traitement avec les fournisseurs et sous-traitants) ;
- Administration (baisse des coûts et gains de productivité)…
recruter un Creative Technologist ou monter une Digital Factory sont de très bonnes initiatives, mais soyez conscient du fait que cela risque de baiser la perception de l’urgence de la transformation par les collaborateurs
Pour se faire, la formation est un élément-clé pour transmettre rapidement des savoirs, faire évoluer les mentalités et initier une dynamique de changement en interne
’une digitale academy est bien plus bénéfique qu’une digitale factory
Is HR Disconnected? Here’s How HR Can Reconnect And Embrace The Future – Forbes
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!†If you’ve talked to anyone in the Human Resources field lately, you might have heard some version of Chicken Little’s proclamation. Why the distress signal from HR?
Because Human Resources as we know it is on the fast track to obsolescence.
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!†If you’ve talked to anyone in the Human Resources field lately, you might have heard some version of Chicken Little’s proclamation. Why the distress signal from HR?
Because Human Resources as we know it is on the fast track to obsolescence.
The extinction of transactional-based HR roles: