Links for this week (weekly)


  • Although the customer experience spotlight often highlights the successes (and failures) of business-to-consumer (B2C) companies, Temkin Group’s research continues to show increasing CX attention and activity among business-to-business (B2B) organizations. We surveyed 148 large B2B/B2B2C organizations and found that they are:”

    tags: customerexperience B2B

    • Despite this ambition and commitment, B2B organizations are in the early stages of CX maturity. In fact, less than one in eight firms have reached the two highest stages of maturity.
    • B2Bs need to consider how they can bolster efforts across a number of key activities: sales and account management, implementation/project execution, support and issues resolution, partner alignment, and product management and innovation.
  • “The Hinge Research Institute and Social Media Today conducted a comprehensive online survey of professionals who use social media for business purposes to figure out how businesses are using employee advocacy and what results they are getting.”

    tags: employeeadvocacy socialmedia

    • firms with formal employee advocacy programs grow faster and see more benefits than those without them. Nearly 31% of high-growth firms have a formal employee advocacy program, more than double the average of all other firms.



      A formal employee advocacy program helps shorten the sales cycle.

    • Almost 86% of advocates in a formal program said that their involvement in social media had a positive impact on their career.

      The Millennial Generation recognizes that using social media can differentiate them from their peers, develop social media skills that are in high demand, and lead to more job opportunities.

    • Implementing an employee advocacy program is not for the faint of heart. It requires proper training, a significant time investment, and the appropriate software tools. On average, nearly 60% of individuals in formal employee advocacy programs spend at least five hours per week using social media for business purposes.
    • The most effective way to motivate employees to advocate the firm brand on social media is to explain why they are being asked to do so. Both managers and advocates agree that this communication is the biggest motivator, more so than gifts, monetary incentives, or public recognition of performance.
    • It’s dangerous to assume that employees know how to use social media in a business setting.
  • “So, it’s interesting that the collaborative economy is seen by some as a business model that’s run its course. According to the naysayers, it’s a saturated market with barriers to entry and its heyday has come and gone. People will just go out and buy what they need, regardless of perceived waste of only using a product once or twice.”

    tags: collaborativeeconomy sharingeconomy collaborativeconsumption

    • The collaborative economy isn’t going anywhere. The numbers alone are very telling:


      •  The sharing or collaborative economy is comprised of 17 companies valued at $1 billion or more;


      •  Together, these companies employ 60,000 people globally;


      •  They also boast $27 billion in funding (view full funding report here via Crowd Companies; and,


      •  Organizations finding success in the collaborative economy cover several industries, including financial, transportation, consumer goods, real estate/lodging and others.

    • The collaborative economy is global

      Regulatory schemes are challenges, but they can be overcome.

    • The hype can be misleading

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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