7 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Your Employer Brand Strategy – The Social Workplace
“Just like employee engagement, the concept of employer brand isn’t new. These days, we just talk about it differently and with a renewed focus. In fact, it’s been around for quite a while. It’s only the relative newbies like myself who have come to realize employer brand embodies everything that we are passionate about: employee value proposition, employee engagement, employee satisfaction and the marketing of that to employees”
Mistake 1: Having too many people and not enough direction
Sometimes you don’t have enough supporters and at other times you have too many. Inevitably, you end up with that often repeated question: Who owns employer brand?
Employer branding is the trifecta of HR, Marketing and Communications.
Mistake 2: Misunderstanding the relationship between employer brand and corporate brand
I also know that your employer brand generally markets to prospective and current employees. Your corporate brand markets to everyone else.
Mistake 3: Underestimating the importance of the employee value proposition
As you develop your employer brand pillars and messaging, it is essential that you constantly refer back to the EVP to make sure the brand continues to reflect the differentiators and aspirations identified.
Mistake 4: Focusing only on recruitment marketing
I was very quick to point out to him that I am not recruitment marketing, but employer brand marketing — which focuses on the end-to-end experience from candidate to employee to alum.
Mistake 5: Thinking in terms of engagement versus experience
In actuality, employer brand is the program, employee advocacy is the tactic, and employee engagement is the outcome.
Mistake 6: Passing on the opportunity to segment for multiple audiences
Mistake 7: Measuring outcomes based on HR metrics only
Identify other metrics from Marketing and Communications KPI as well. After all, if you’re going to activate and infuse the employer brand within various programs of HR, Marketing and Communications, then it stands to reason that you would include KPIs from these areas too.
In defense of the Uber-ization of everything | TechCrunch
“Instead, what businesses need help with in fact is the polar opposite: not the forklifting but the unpacking of Uber to identify the two or three most applicable elements from its operating machinery and growth execution that can spark transformative opportunities in your industry.”
The skinny is that there are endless amounts of why and barely no opining on the what or how when it comes to executing any kind of digital transformation of your business or industry
“Investors saw Uber’s success as a template for Ubers for everything. The industry went through a period where we said, let’s look at any big service industry, stick ‘on-demand’ on it, and we’ve got an Ube
the real transformation to make this happen “automagically†occurs in the guts of the operation machinery — the people, the process, the flexibility of the technology stack and the speed at which you can respond to the customers’ needs. And this discussion is mostly absent.