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Category: Books I read

Agile HR revolution by Jean-Claude Grosjean

Even if it is a book in French, I wanted to publish a review of it on this blog because regardless of whether or not you will ever read this book, the thoughts it inspired in me may be of interest to everyone. I'm still (too) slowly going through the pile of books I promised myself to read since a long time and this time I'd like to tell you about "Revolution RH Agile" by Jean-Claude Grosjean. The Book As its name indicates, Agile HR Revolution aims to enlighten and accompany the...

Unique(s): praise for uniqueness and the companies that make it possible

This post is a review of a French book that has not been translated into other languages but that's no reason not to share...

Everybody Wants to Love Their Job

The question of the relationship between employees and their work and their company remains a subject that is much in the news. It seems...

Leading Digital : how to digitize a non digital born business ?

When people talk about digital businesses, they often mention  pure players like Google, Uber etc. what leads logical reactions from traditional businesses. They say...