
Category: Collaboration

Eliyahu Goldratt’s fictional interview on infobesity and bottlenecks in knowledge work

Instead of thinking vertically, I always like to see if it's possible to “steal” ideas that work in one sector or discipline and apply them to another. And why not by getting experts in these subjects to talk. Since you liked my first mock interview (Exclusive: the (fake) Steve Jobs interview on employee experience) and you've validated the concept, I'm tackling another subject, that of infobesity in the world of knowledge workers, and for this I've summoned the late Eliyahu Goldratt. Eliyahu Goldratt, who has been an inspiration of mine for...

Are meetings worse remotely than face-to-face?

Recently, businesses have been facing two evils: remote work for which they were not ready and meetings that they never knew how to organize. So...

Beware of silo re-forming because of remote work

Corporate silos are the enemies of collaboration, knowledge transfer, problem solving and innovation, contribute to its complication and undermine engagement and sense of belonging....