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My manager doesn’t do anything. Is it an issue ?

The other day I was talking to a friend who had changed jobs at the beginning of the year and he came to tell me about his disappointment with his job and his manager in particular. At first it didn't surprise me too much and I blamed it more on...

Why HR and managers should have watched Bayern Vs PSG

It was a lean summer for sports enthusiasts but at least the Champions League was able to come to an end. Even without being a big fan or supporter, I did notice a few details in the story of this match that should give HR and managers something to...

VUCA yourself!

We can see the difference between conviction and posture in the behaviour a person adopts in the storm compared to what they profess in general. This is called exemplarity. From this point of view my daily watch is desolating to say the least. The model of organization and operation of...

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Comment le départ de Jeffrey Immelt (GE) illustre les limites d’une approche tactique de l’innovation | Le blog de Philippe Silberzahn...

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When Top-Down Change Isn’t Working, Hand the Keys to Frontline Staff A Q&A with the World Bank’s Kyle Peters ...