
Category: Thoughts

The difficult art of business predictions

The business world loves predictions. The future of work, the future of HR, the year's marketing trends, the emerging technologies to watch…we're all over the place with predictions of all kinds and we love them. The question I often ask myself when reading them is "what can I learn from this?" Predictions? For whom? What for? Let's start at the beginning: why some people are fans of this type of publication and others like to write them or even excel at them. Predictions: Give the outline of a vision and ideas to those...

The difficult art of business predictions

The business world loves predictions. The future of work, the future of HR, the year's marketing trends, the emerging technologies to watch…we're all over...

A year in a lifetime…

Hopefully, we are finally seeing the beginning of the end of the tunnel in which the pandemic has plunged us, and businesses will try...

It was better before, but sometimes it was worse too…

Last week while diving into my archives I realized that this blog was celebrating its 16th anniversary. 16 years of uninterrupted activity just interspersed...

When a letter makes us forget what matters

ASAP, CRM, KPI….whether in our professional or personal lives, we love acronyms that we use all day long. The acronym, precise, conveys a context The acronym...