For a long time, Linkedin, as a professional social network, was a rather polished, qualitative space that stood out from many other platforms, but times are changing and Linkedin is gradually following the path that most social networks have embarked upon: a slow and perhaps inexorable mediocrity.
In a word, Linkedin is becoming Facebookized. Others would say that it's enshitting (The enshittification of Twitter and platforms in general (it's in French but worth asking an AI to translate it)).
It's a bit like a restaurant that used to serve homemade food made with...
Summary : Digital, social media and networks...businesses are looking for people mastering these new concepts and tools. But we need to be careful toward...
Summary : email causing organizational unwieldiness and information loss is nothing new. Businesses like ATOS decided to fix this issue once for all, using...
Sumary : many users say that the problem that enterprise social platforms is the risk of infobesity and informational noise. Reality is more complex....