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Enterprise 2.0 and social business : what’s next ? (Part #2 : tools)

Summary : the predictable evolution of social and 2.0 strategies will cause a reorganization of a landscape that's essentially crowded by social networks todays. The already-started evolution of business tools, the need for tools helping to manage and measure the human capital in a new paradigm will cause a radical evolution of traditional players as well as a new balance of power in the internal digital landscape. Except if a lack of anticipations creates a new and bigger imbalance. We saw in a first post what the new challenges are...

Enterprise 2.0 and social business : what’s next ? (Part #2 : tools)

Summary : the predictable evolution of social and 2.0 strategies will cause a reorganization of a landscape that's essentially crowded by social networks todays....

The death of serendipity ?

Summary : Serendipity is  finding things without knowing they exist and without looking for them. On the web this phenomenon is embodies by the...

Business awareness : the social signal without relationship

Summary : Everytime we talk about social media we focus on rich relationships and exchanges, conversations, community feeling, what are very heavy and complex...

What social Media Lack ? Intelligence

Summary : the increasing quantity of information generated by social media and the need for dealing with all this information regardless to its source...

IT interests : good news but too much compartmentalization

I recently came across this this chart about what IT departments are currently thinking about. What inspires me some thoughts. First point, as mentioned in...

How to link formal and informal within the enterprise : the “still” company

Since intangible assets only create value when they support formal business process, enterprises don't have to create an enterprise 2.0 organization relying on informal...