
Tag: change-management

Change and transformation need a new approach

Whether we call them change programs or transformation programs (it's just a question of scale), programs aimed at adapting the business to its environment are proliferating, but are far from systematically achieving their objectives. Perhaps this is because the way we think about them no longer corresponds to the challenges facing businesses. The pitfalls of transformation programs First and foremost - and there's no need to dwell on this point, on which there's general agreement - when we talk about transformation and change, we're talking about scary words. They're scary because we like...

Change and transformation need a new approach

Whether we call them change programs or transformation programs (it's just a question of scale), programs aimed at adapting the business to its environment...

Protecting the corporate culture is not always good

Corporate culture is a central topic in any transformation project, either digital nor not. For some it's what slows transformation down, for others (whose...

Digital and the consumerization of the workplace

changement, collaboration, Communication, conduite-du-changement, consumérisation, data, données, expérience employé, formation, Management, marketing, marque-employeur, Ressources Humaines, soo, transformation digitale

Is Saas a change killer ?

If technologies makes major improvement possible, it's not self sufficient. In the last decade we saw the the adoption of software allowing to reinvent...