Tag: chro
Customer relationship
CHRO and CMO : the two sides of a single challenge
This is the first post of a series about the latest edition of HR Tech World in...
Digital Economy
The CHRO, the extended enterprise and the freelancer
Alors qu'on nous promet la génération du modèle freelance en remplacement du salariat, cela pose la question de la stratégie RH face à l'entreprise étendue.
Employee Experience
Employee experience : who should be in charge ?
After a first post on defining employee experience and a second on how to turn it into...
Digital Transformation
Marketing, HR, IT : the new couples in digital transformation
Who should be in charge of driving digital transformation. The cross-functional nature of the matter makes it...
Customer relationship
Are CMO and CHRO the winning duet of the digital transformation ?
Who should be in charge of the digital transformation ? There's no magic model that works in...
Digital Transformation
Will HR be the first downgraded of the digital era ?
Some time ago I wrote that digital transformation was a real chance for HR to regain a...
Customer relationship
When it comes to digital the C-suite must unite for the customer
Every year IBM uses to deliver a study on a given field of business activities based on...
Human resources
What challenges for HR in 2012 ?
Summary : At the dawn of a year that's expected to be rather difficult, businesses face conflictual...
Human resources
Many challenges and lots of progress to make for HR according to IBM
IBM recently issued a study after having gathered insights from more than 700 Chief Human resources officers,...