
Tag: cisco

Your strategy needs to be adaptive and opportunistic

In a fast changing world, businesses are getting tangled up in their strategy. A strategic plans follows another that had even not been achieved because the context has changed and make it irrelevant. That comes with two major downsides : by continuously being "in between" businesses are never specifically somewhere and employees are getting lost and unmotivated by this because of this linking of turns that never ends that makes them feel that nothing will never be achieved. Strategy is not a destination but an enabler The mistake may be that...

Your strategy needs to be adaptive and opportunistic

In a fast changing world, businesses are getting tangled up in their strategy. A strategic plans follows another that had even not been achieved...

Is Netflix the right example of enterprise 2.0 ?

Netflix recently issued a 128 slides document explaining their culture, their organizational model, their management and the way they work. It attracted a lot...

Socializing your decision making process

A good example of process socialization is about decision making. A few weeks ago I read this interesting paper from Olivier Sibony (Associate Director...

Enterprise 2.0 : the CISCO case

You certainly haven't missed the abundance of articles devoted to CISCO in recent times. The American giant is perhaps the first example of a...