Tag: cloud computing
Software & Tools
Who’s going to survive in the enterprise social networks jungle ?
There's not a week without the arrival of a new enterprise social network solution (or similar) on...
Software & Tools
How do you want your cloud like ?
Summary : cloud is the future. But it means so many things that it increases the confusion...
Software & Tools
IT interests : good news but too much compartmentalization
I recently came across this this chart about what IT departments are currently thinking about. What inspires...
Software & Tools
Is Saas the future of your corporate IT ?
This is one more question that haunts many people's night. More serioulsy, if it doesn't make people...
Intranets and digital workplace
The future of cloud computing is not necessarily outside the firewall
Discussing wheter companies have to keep their information systemes within their walls or host it, wholly or...
Enterprise 2.0 and SMB. Lets talk about it !
If we refer to the way the isue is often treated, enterprise 2.0 is mainly a large...
Web & Usages
Seen, read, heard this week #2
A new column that will be weekly…or not. Will last..or not. Sometimes I read, hear, see things...
Tools on the cloud for “on the ground” benefits
Even if cloud computing is not the same thing as social software and enterprise 2.0 et is...
When tools are on the cloud, companies have to make money rain
Cloud computing is the new buzzword, at least untill the next one comes.It's a reality we can't...