
Tag: collaboration

Hyperconnectivity in the workplace: digital becomes a burden

Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend the presentation of the 2025 edition of the state of the art of internal organizational transformation organized by Lecko, an event and, above all, a document that has for years been a must-read for anyone interested in the changes in working practices made possible by digital technology. The document is substantial in size (and I can only advise you to download it), so I'm going to come back to it in a series of themed articles. I'm not going to tell you that digital transformation...

Hyperconnectivity in the workplace: digital becomes a burden

Last week, I was fortunate enough to attend the presentation of the 2025 edition of the state of the art of internal organizational transformation organized by...

A daring zero-based Digital Workplace

It's easy to say that today's digital workplaces have become complicated environments that, logically, complicate work , and you'd have to be in bad faith not...

Digital Workplace: time for a clean sweep

Long gone are the days of the monotonous intranet, which served little purpose for its users but satisfied the business's need for communication. Today, despite...

Are collaboration tools really about collaboration?

Collaboration tools have invaded our computers and our daily lives with the promise of transforming the way we work and increasing our productivity, because it's...

Socialization at Work: Towards a New Model?

Today I've decided to tackle a subject that's obviously proving divisive, given the discussions I've had recently on the subject: that of socialization at work. Sociability:...

Eradicate Meeting Delays: 6 Simple Rules for Optimized Productivity

For many people, meetings are a plague, not because they're inherently unhelpful, but because in practice they're often an unproductive waste of time that ends up...