
Tag: collaborative-tools

Are collaboration tools really about collaboration?

Collaboration tools have invaded our computers and our daily lives with the promise of transforming the way we work and increasing our productivity, because it's a well-known fact that better collaboration means greater efficiency. But isn't there a misuse of language in this area that is misleading us? In French, we usually say “collaborative tools” or “collaborative intranet”, whereas the English say “collaboration tools" and not “collaborative tools”. It's as if some people think that tools collaborate by themselves without human intervention, while others refer to them by the purpose for which they are used by humans. Perhaps...

Are collaboration tools really about collaboration?

Collaboration tools have invaded our computers and our daily lives with the promise of transforming the way we work and increasing our productivity, because it's...

ICC’06 meeting

A few impressions of my visit to the ICC meetings last week, and in particular of the conferences. 1°) ‘2.0’ is catching on. More than...

When blueKiwi meets HR problematics

In the ‘HR 2.0, new uses, best practices’ series, after a first section devoted to social networks, the second round table, co-organised by Moovement,...

Best Practices in Corporate Intranets

Avenue A / Razorfish has just published a report on Intranet Best Practices. You can obtain it free of charge here. Considering that the...

About transparency in decision-making

I often say that transparency is very important in decision making. Because it gives sense to the decision it's key in improving membership, trust...