
Tag: Communication

CRM can save your business, but not the CRM you think!

When a business or a team fails, particularly in an emergency situation, the same root causes are always present : rigid leadership, internal conflicts, ineffective communication, lack of information sharing, to name but the most common. And even in non-crisis or emergency situations, the same causes end up causing the same effects. It's just a little gentler and takes longer. Of course, businesses are looking for a solution, sometimes and often through technology, but you can't use technology to solve problems that are first and foremost human (We should not expect an application to work...

Being digital in 2018 : clients must behave better

When the web started to become a little bit mainstream, brands did nothing but digitizing their paper communications with showcase sites. A couple of...

Digital and the consumerization of the workplace

changement, collaboration, Communication, conduite-du-changement, consumérisation, data, données, expérience employé, formation, Management, marketing, marque-employeur, Ressources Humaines, soo, transformation digitale