
Tag: Communities

Brands, what are your communities ?

Communities, communities. That word is never out off brands lips to refer to the people they try to communicate with. But, by using the same word for everybody, they take the risk of treating everybody the same way and even misinterpret the feeling people have for them. If we take the word community narrowly I would even say that some brands have no community and that it's  the case for most of them. But if you absolutely want to use the word community, here's what I can mean. • Engaged people Either clients...

Netagoraphobia, definition and cure

Do you kno netagoraphobia ? Nevertheless it is becoming a very important stake on the internet and on the webizing intranet. By the way...

Self managed communities at Schlumberger

Interesting article du Wall Street Journal  on the introduction of communities at Schlumberger (52,000 employees in 80 countries). With success, since almost 12,000 of...

Re-empowering middle management

I don't think I've ever written this before, but you've probably guessed it, I don't hold petty bosses dear to my heart. Both because,...