Tag: community manager
Arnaud Rayrole : Chief Digital Officers are the future CEOs
Lecko recently published the 7th edition of their study on the state of the art of enterprise...
Internal and external community managers are not the same
As time goes, businesses are getting better at understanding what a community manager is. That's a topic...
Don’t tell my mum I’m a community manager, she believes I play piano in a brothel
Summary : There's a tendency to call "community manager" any person that communicates online for an enterprise...even...
The state of community management : the 2011 edition is available !
Summary: The Community Roundtable has just issued the second edition of their report on the State of...
Knowledge & Information management
Are curators the missing thing in enterprise 2.0 approaches ?
Summary :in a few weeks, a new concept burst into the web : the curator. It can...
Customer relationship
Customer service : avoid being the victim of you social media success
Summary : while some businesses are puzzled towards the lack of success of their customer service initiatives...
Customer relationship
Is Facebook the future of call-centers ? The Air France KLM Switzerland case
Summary : Facebook is usually considered as a communication and marketing tool. But it's becoming more and...
Web & Usages
Community Management is a “processus in processum”
Even if community management is still an unclear concept with changing boundaries, many senseful and insightful things...
Customer relationship
So you love your customers…and you let others take care of them
Saying that customers are businesses' most important assets is now a common view. First because their money...