Unlike what's often said, the complexity of their environment is not what makes businesses struggle. Their real issue is their internal complication what makes them unable to face the external complexity. That's what Yves Morieux, Senior Partner & Fellow, Boston Consulting Group writes about in Six Simple Rules: How to Manage Complexity without Getting Complicated
I had the chance to see Yves Morieux on stage twice in a year, at HRtech Europe in Amsterdam in 2014 and at the HRTech Word Congress 2015 in Paris, and each time his words...
Unlike what's often said, the complexity of their environment is not what makes businesses struggle. Their real issue is their internal complication what makes...
The future of enterprise and management raises lots of suppositions, fantasies and concerns. The current model is defective and that's a point no one...
Summary : good intentions and passion are useful but not enough. More than individual initiatives happening on the fringe of the organizational model (and...
I wrote "I"...as I could I written "us", "you"... a little story that's, of course, imaginary. Any similarity whith any existing situation or people...