Steve Jobs is known for his obsession with user experience, simplicity, attention to detail, and his desire to see his ideas through to the very end, and he was never short of words on the subject. But what would he say about employee experience?
The other day, friends and I were talking about people we'd like to have met once in our lives, or interviewed. It was interesting, sometimes amusing, and some surprising ideas even came up, whether in terms of the person/subject mix or the words we would have put in...
Digital transformation mainly relies on two joint streams : employee experience and customer experience without which the employee experience won't be delivered. On the...
We've been hearing that customer experience won't exist without employee experience for such a long time that we see it eventually happening. According to...
Hello and happy new year everyone.
As the tradition wants, we'll start 2017 with some predictions that only commit those who want to buy them.