
Tag: customer

The biases of the customer oriented organization

Customer-centricity is not option and it's the word leaders and managers are repeating all day long, endlessly. In the digital era a business can't be anything else than customer centric. Funnily, it often makes me wonder that businesses were before going customer-centric. In fact the exhortation made to employees to focus on the customer, to be obsessed with him is nothing new. We only reached a paroxysm because of a gap between words and reality and between leaders and laggards that's never been so wide. Hence the need to repeat...

The biases of the customer oriented organization

Customer-centricity is not option and it's the word leaders and managers are repeating all day long, endlessly. In the digital era a business can't...

Knowing is not not understanding the customer

I've already written about how customer understanding matters. That's key to a personalized experience and marketing and a major lever for customer retention. As the...

The gap between brands and consumers is getting wider

Time has come to individualize marketing and customer relationship. With the rise of the social web, brands had more and more opportunities to build...

Digital Transformation : the key success factors

McKinsey recently issued a series of articles on enterprise digitization? As usual many regret that they say nothing we already know but the McKinsey...

How does digital transformation look like #2 : the invisible part

Limiting digital transformation to the implementation of an enterprise social network, a disrupting initiative in the field of customer relationship or the use of...

The limits of social collaboration : a matter of “pull”

If we had to make a distinction within social business approaches, it would surely be between internal and external facing ones. External facing ones...