
Tag: data

Why enterprise AI can’t keep up with consumer AI: beyond ChatGPT, a more complex reality

“But how is it that companies are so far behind in adopting AI internally when we see how fast it's going on the consumer side?”. We hear this question all day long, and it's just another episode in the long story of the consumerization of enterprise tools (Consumer AI in the enterprise: the usual story of IS consumerization): consumer tools and uses always end up arriving in the enterprise world with a delay, a delay due to the specificities of the business world, which requires tools and uses to be adapted,...

Can AI run out of fuel or kill the web?

Artificial intelligence feeds on human knowledge to give it back to us in an effortless and directly actionable way, for our greatest pleasure. But...

The open space is not a factory but sometimes you should look at it that way

There is nothing more different than industry and the service industry, especially office work. Different activities, different profiles, different times but also different ways...