Tag: e-learning
Human resources
2Spark : driving change one minute a day
Is change better driven through heavy and one-shot actions or through daily micro-events on the long term...
Web & Usages
3 web 2.0 tools enterprises must consider
I often touch on the need for professionaling web 2.0's tools and usages in order to make...
Intranets and digital workplace
Archivists : a new performance lever
Everything started with this note about Lille Business school and some talks with an archivist, a job...
Intranets and digital workplace
Collective intelligence and mass collaboration have to be learned at school
I often say that our teatchers and parents didn't help us to be fully efficient in our...
Intranets and digital workplace
Why making people discuss about informal business issues is valuable
People have to exchange and discuss within the enterprise. Yes...but why? They just have to stick on...