If your internal or external social business initiative, your enterprise social network, digital workplace, rich directory or unified collaborative environment is doing well, I don't need big data or predictive analysis to tell you that impressive headaches are ahead. And if your current project is not doing well it may already be because of the causes of the headache.
Before, Social used to be "Standalone". But it was before.
At the beginning things were simple. Either called social or "2.0" they used to rely on standalone products. The "new world" used...
Since today collaboration means solving problems together, it's important companies provide their employees with a problem solving framework.
Why not a methodology or a process...
Since intangible assets only create value when they support formal business process, enterprises don't have to create an enterprise 2.0 organization relying on informal...
If enterprise 2.0 is to develop informal networks and tacit knowledge formalization within the enterprise, there's still one question to be answered : how...