
Tag: execution

What is the point of increasing the pace of meetings without increasing the pace of execution?

Companies are aware of the problem of meetings, especially since the COVID crisis which, by generalizing remote meetings, questioned their efficiency even more. One of the avenues explored by companies and managers is to "put pace" in the meetings so that the pace of the meetings matches the pace of the field. There should not be a fast business time and a slow management and administration time. How to bring rhythm to meetings Let's first agree on what it means to put rhythm into meetings. It is not a matter of running...

Social Business is a production system

In what category should we put things like social business, social collaboration, enterprise 2.0, social CRM and all these new concepts that flourished during...

The system matters more than people

Summary :"with, by and for people"...such seems to be the creed of the "social" transformation. And results still look uncertain. Sometimes non-existant, sometimes great...

Do new organization models scale ?

Summary : Can the management innovations we can see in middle-sized structures work into larger businesses ? The question is worth being asked and,...

Tools connect people. But with what ?

summary :tomorrow's enterprise will be connected. And employees too. If they don't they'll become obsolete and useless : success, performance and competitiveness relies on...