
Tag: facebook

Zuckerberg and moderation: back to chaos?

Mark Zuckerberg's recent announcement of the end of moderation at META has unsurprisingly generated a lot of ink and sometimes shocked reactions. But for me, the most surprising thing is not so much the announcement as the fact that it came as a surprise, since the least we can say is that the man has often accustomed us to making the great leap between ethics and business. And remember: “when it's free, you're the product”. Let's take a step back. We live in a world populated by billions of hyper-connected people, most of...

What kind of social networks do companies need ?

Need for synergies, for connections, to do more with less ? Whatever the official reason is (and sometimes the unofficial one), companies are now...

Is facebook Evil or a nice training field ?

Serena Software looked conspicuous those last weeks by encouraging its employees to use Facebook. An interesting news at the time the famous...