Tag: generation y
Digital Transformation
Being digital in 2018 : Forget the millenials !
2018, digital-natives, generation X, generation-Y, millenials
Human resources
Managing generations ? Start with gen X !
Connaissances, generation X, génération Z, generation-Y, générations, Management, Ressources Humaines
The young don’t care about tech and that’s an issue
digital, geek, generation X, generation-Y, générations, hacker, litteracie, technologie, usages
Human resources
Generations don’t change. Life stages do
New generations, Y,Z and what will come after are still the source of passionate debates even is...
Human resources
Who are the clichés about new generations for ?
New generations are extraterrestrials. They don't respect anything, have expectations that are totally different from their elder's...
Human resources
Generation Y and digital natives are unhibited Gen Xers
Generation Y, digital natives etc. What haven't we about the revolution they embody and the vital need...
Human resources
Performance and Well being go together well at Pepsico (and without technology)
Summary : Which enterprise is not trying to rally their employees, improve the famous engagement that's necessary...
Intranets and digital workplace
Yers and corporate IT : the expected divorce is far from happening
Summary : gen Y-related myths seem to collapse the one after the other. After having been seen...
About the young and their so-called connectiveness
While attending the last Enterprise 2.0 Forum in Milan, I had the pleasure to see Mark Masterson...