
Tag: goal

Where to start your social and digital transformation ?

That's the recurring question that comes when a business starts its social and digital transformation : we understand the interest, we have some ideas about where we want to get, but where should we start. Eight year's we're been hearing the same questions, eight years the same answer is given but the question comes back endlessly. To such an extent that we can wonder if : - not everyone agrees on the matter and businesses are lost in the middle of conflicting advice. - the message has not been repeated enough...

Where to start your social and digital transformation ?

That's the recurring question that comes when a business starts its social and digital transformation : we understand the interest, we have some ideas...

Mobile is more than mobile versions of desktops applications

Every study shows that mobile and mobility are one of the main challenges businesses face today and that quick responses are needed. That's a...

Enterprise and business first, 2.0 and social second

Summary : Enterprise 2.0 and social business when they become, as it often happens, their own goal, struggle to convince businesses of their significance....