
Tag: hrtech

What vision for a managerial information system?

The world of work is constantly evolving, and information systems play a vital role in the way we work and the way businesses manage their operations, teams and performance. While HRIS have historically been designed to centralize and automate the administrative processes associated with the HR function, they have struggled to address the strategic needs of managers and teams (Managers need more than an HRIS). It's a subject that has sometimes occupied much of my discussions with industry experts, some even going so far as to advocate the emancipation of a "Management Tech" distinct...

Unleash : when HR sees beyond HR

HRTechWorld London Unleash London will take place on march 20th and 21st. A rebranding that's been announced in Amsterdam in last october/ https://youtu.be/xrx8Yi98D9o You may tell...

The Future of Work : a matter of experience, a creativity requirement

créativité, expérience employé, futur du travail, future of work, hr tech world, hrtech, hrtechworld, josh bersin, learning, Ressources Humaines