Tag: informal-networks
Employee Experience
An organization that is inconsistent with the way we work. Irritant #6 of the employee experience
When you want to know who does what in a company, there is a very simple way:...
Intranets and digital workplace
Network or proximity ? Where’s the value for businesses ?
Social networks seem to be used to fit nearly any case, regardless to the fact their value...
Intranets and digital workplace
The power of decentralized crisis management : the Gustav case
Crisis is charaterized by its suddenty, its unpredictability and the gravity of its possible consequences. It forces...
Toyota : a good example of SOO that reduces business risk
First a quick summary of the Service Oriented Organization concept (SOO) : it's about giving employees the...
Hierarchy vs Wirearchy ? Or only complementarity ?
Wirearchy is a very interesting concept I discovered weeks ago from a post from John Husband. Not...
Archimedes theorem applied to Enterprise 2.0..with trust instead of liquid
I often say that even when change seems promising, it's important to keep our feets on the...
Serendipity doesn’t preclude control : a few rules to manage fate within informal networks
Everyone is conscious of informals networks' power within an organization. But their informal nature causes of lot...
Harnessing the power of informal networks
In the neverending debate about knowing if a "soft ROI" is a real ROI or not, it...