Tag: information-management
Employee Experience
Retainment and Difficulty in Accessing and Using Information. Irritant #5 of the employee experience.
If the information exists we will find it on Google! This reflex so evident in our daily...
Digital Transformation
Using the customer experience to crash test the employee experience
In a previous post I took a photograph of everyone's daily experience in their personal life ,as...
Fake news : should the answer be technological or human ?
Dealing with Fake News has become a really hot issue for any media platform. From Facebook that...
Time management : a critical issue in the digital era
Time is the only resource no one can afford to waste. If you think seriously about that,...
Digital Economy
From noise to situational intelligence
Sumary : many users say that the problem that enterprise social platforms is the risk of infobesity...
Knowledge & Information management
Managing information and people is not the same thing
Summary : "accept as friend", "add to your network", "follow" are concepts that are more and more...
Knowledge & Information management
What social Media Lack ? Intelligence
Summary : the increasing quantity of information generated by social media and the need for dealing with...
The art of managing information
Just the once won't hurt, I'd like to share with you an interview given by Tom Davenport...
Intranets and digital workplace
Intranet stores information, intranet 2.0 remembers of you though process
It's sometimes very hard to explain to people who aren't especially 2.0 savvy what difference it makes...