

Liberated company or lean enterprise ?

While everyone is more or less convinced that the "old" business model has lived, it must be recognized that the new model that could replace it has not yet been found or that we have not been able to make it work in a sustainable way in a significant number of companies. Which is the same, though. The organization of the future? No single model! I ended up making a religion for myself on the subject: there is no single model that would work everywhere, let alone a single way to...

Corporate Culture : actual concern but too easy excuse

Corporate culture is something to watch carefully in any change program. Corporate culture as well as local culture. Anyone who once had to drive...

Social BPM

Summary : the time has come for businesses to stop confining social to what's out the flow of work and not related to structuring...

Beyond social (part 1) : decision making

Summary : adding a social layer brings few substantial gains while organizations don't change their models. No tool with trigger an organizational and structural...

Cost and talent allocation : should HR build internal markets ?

Summary : most of the value proposition of the new organization models organizations try to implement is about emergent collaboration. That is nothing more...

Process, enterprise 2.0, lean and agility

Summary: enterprise 2.0 has often been shown as the opposite of formal organizations and processes that have been the rule until then. What raised...