
Tag: management

What is managerial performance and its hidden face?

Many questions about the manager, his role, his usefulness and his future (Is manager still a profession?), only to end up with the same insoluble debate about what makes a good or bad manager. Insoluble, because if we distinguish between good and bad managers , we're dealing with subjective value judgments. Not everyone has the same vision of management, so we'll never agree on an answer. But we can try to objectify the judgment by starting from what we expect of him/her, and evaluate this in a tangible way. Of course, what is expected...

Let’s talk about the quality of work

When you take some distance, you get the impression that companies spend their time inventing new concepts to address serious problems, seemingly avoiding tackling...

A manager is someone who makes things happen

Today I'm going to contribute to an eternal debate about what a manager is and what he is for. Manager leader, benevolent manager, "Servant Leader"…....