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Tag: Natural Language processing

Is the chief data officier the new ROI guy ?

The digitalization of society make new jobs emerge. Among them the Chief Data Officer (CDO). The chief data officer is responsible for the governance and utilization of data as enterprise assets. There's no need for long talks on the importance of such jobs in the organization since we realize to what extent data are becoming the fuel of business and their good utilization a key competitiveness factor. Of course there's nothing new here and, for example, data mining has been around for a long time. But the context has changed. Data...

Is the chief data officier the new ROI guy ?

The digitalization of society make new jobs emerge. Among them the Chief Data Officer (CDO). The chief data officer is responsible for the governance...

Toward smarter information systems

Summary : When we talk about working on information, we usually distinguish the work that's been progressively dedicated to machines (mass processing of data...