
Tag: networks

Enterprise Reciprocal Knowledge Exchange Networks

In brief: Reciprocal Knowledge Exchange Networks  are a means to meet a the same time the need for peer-to-peer and managed learning. A book tels us why and how the French Postal Services (La Poste) has made it work for the last 5 years. I recently mentioned Enterprise Reciprocal Knowledge Exchange Networks as a good complement to traditional learning approaches. This post aims at going further into details through a book and a return of experience. The book (unfortunately only in french) is titled  Echanges réciproques de savoirs en entreprise...

The power of decentralized crisis management : the Gustav case

Crisis is charaterized by its suddenty, its unpredictability and the gravity of its possible consequences. It forces organization to react quickly in order to...

Toyota : a good example of SOO that reduces business risk

First a quick summary of the Service Oriented Organization concept (SOO) : it's about giving employees the ability (ie tools and organization model) that...