December is usually predictions time. Some happen to be right, many will only happen in 2 or 3 years and some are irrelevant because we may lack lucidity and mistake what we would like to see and what is really likely to happen. However it's a quite interesting work because it helps to assess the state of the art and, without claiming to know the absolute truth, to propose a credible mid-term roadmap.
Trends for the digital enterprise in 2015 ? Let's go !
Digital is the new social but results...
The French Postal Service (Groupe La Poste) recently mobilized their employees to build their strategic roadmap for the next 5 years. They published this...
Summary : it's more than difficult to make people participate into social or participative activities that are trying to emerge all around the organization,...
Summary : tomorrow's enterprise, 2.0, social or whatever needs more engagement from employees. But there's a problem : everything show they're less and less...
Summary : Enterprise 2.0 or social business initiatives aim at crafting organizations that fit what we call the knowledge economy. And that's quite hard...for...