The question of how to measure performance fairly is starting to become a real concern for businesses, but if current approaches have reached their limits, finding alternatives is anything but obvious.I was recently reading a Deloitte study entitled 2024 Human Capital Trends, which deals, as its name suggests, with the major trends in human capital. For once, I'm not going to do an exhaustive review: 144 pages is too long to be usefully summarized in a single article, and I prefer to take certain topics one by one in...
In what direction is social business (or enterprise 2.0 or collaborative enterprise...) heading ? As I already discussed, it's stagnating, either by lack of...
Enterprise 2.0, social enterprise, collaborative enterprise or social business : all these initiatives seem to be doomed to fail or end in a dead-end....
Summary :"with, by and for people"...such seems to be the creed of the "social" transformation. And results still look uncertain. Sometimes non-existant, sometimes great...